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Tag: maven

How to exclude a direct dependency of a Maven Plugin

I want to exclude a direct dependency of a Maven plugin and the approach described in this answer does not work (as indicated by this comment). As a particular example: I still see javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api in the list of dependencies (with mvn … -X). What am I doing wrong? (In case someone has an idea for how to replace the dependency

Could not exec java with Spring+Maven exit code 1

I am new to Spring/Maven, and am following this tutorial: Serving Web Content with Spring MVC. Everytime I run mvn spring-boot:run, I get this error: Failed to execute goal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:1.5.2.RELEASE:run (default-cli) on project gs-serving-web-content: Could not exec java: Application finished with exit code: 1 -> I tried to add classpath, tried to run mvn install clean spring-boot:run, did a lot

Why are some maven projects in IntelliJ grayed out?

Why are some maven projects in IntelliJ greyed out? Answer Seems images are better way to answer this question. Projects are greyed out when you ignore them in your IntelliJ workspace. To add those projects or modules back in your workspace, right click on them and click on unignore projects as shown in below screenshot. Alternatively, you can also go

Maven build failure : could not transfer metadata

I’m trying to run maven clean install but i got these errors and warnings here is my pom.xml When i run the mvn -X compile i got this I’ve already tried to delete the repository and i’m not using any proxy. Is there anything i’m missing? Could you help me please Answer You have wrong URLs for the repos. Please

Run a Maven Project using IntelliJ IDEA

I’m new to IntelliJ IDEA and I would like to run a simple Maven Quickstart project using it. I followed all the instructions, the project was sucessfully built. But when I try to compile and run it , the Run button is not activated. It looks like IntelliJ IDEA couldn’t figure out where the main class is. This is a
