I’m following the guide at the MapStruct blog and having trouble using this 3 technology together. I’ve been trying several approaches from the MapStruct docs, bug-reports, posts from here but in every case I end up receiving the following exception during the build. Have anyone successfully used MapStruct together with Lombok under Quarkus? Any help is appreciated. Strangely the first
Tag: lombok
Lombok getter/setter vs Java 14 record
I love project Lombok but in these days I’m reading and trying some of the new features of java 14. Inside the new capability, there is the record keyword that allows creating a class with already built-in the following functionality: constructor, private final fields, accessors, equals/hashCode, getters, toString methods. Now my question is: is better to rely on the feature
Does Lombok toBuilder() method creates deep copy of fields
I am using toBuilder() on an object instance to create a builder instance and then build method to create new instance. The original object has a list, does the new object has reference to same list or a copy of it? Will lib2 books refer to same list as lib1 books ? Answer Yes, the @Builder(toBuilder=true) annotation doesn’t perform a
Lombok @Builder not recognised by IntelliJ
I updated IntelliJ IDEA to version 2018.2.7, and Lombok’s @Builder annotation is not recognised anymore. The project already had Lombok annotations, which worked fine with previous (2017…) version of IntelliJ. Only @Builder is failing. I am using Lombok version 1.14.4. And Java 11. The problem is similar to this one: Lombok not working with Intellij But the solution provided there
How to use Jackson to deserialize external Lombok builder class
I have a 3rd party Lombok builder POJO, one that I cannot modify, that I want to serialize using jackson. Notably it does not have a NoArgsConstructor. On the surface this would appear to be simple, but it is incredibly frustrating in practice as each possible option seems to be counteracted by a different complication. In essence, I’m having trouble
How do you specify default values for Jackson deserialization
Up here is my Controller code. Up here is my User class code. When I POST the JSON above, I get the age property to be null. I want Jackson to deserialize the empty fields (“” or null) in JSON with default values. Like this: What should I do? Answer You can define a custom getter property where setting your
Lombok annotations has no effect
I have a spring boot app 2.0.5.RELEASE with a lombok dependency for version 1.18.2 with scope set to provided. An exmaple: In that case I’m getting an error as repository field is null. When I remove lombok @AllArgsConstructor and put it directly: Then it works, a proper component is injected in the repository field. The same situation is for UserDTO
Lombok builder pattern with jackson JsonProperty
I have constructed a Java Object using lombok with builder pattern. But, I am getting the following exception when trying to deserialize a Java object using Jackson. This occurs for fields which has @JsonProperty annotation. Exception in thread “main” com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field “user_name” (class User$UserBuilder), not marked as ignorable (2 known properties: “userName”, “userId”]) at [Source: (String)”{“userId”:1,”user_name”:”username”}”; line: 1, column:
How to override Lombok Setter methods
I’m using lombok in my project and generation Setters and Getters using @Setters and @Getters annotations on top of POJO class. I’m trying to override setters method of a property but it’s not working I want to check if JSON property is Empty or Null i want to set default value in Setter method Working scenarios: Failed Scenario : Output:
Why is Lombok @Builder not compatible with this constructor?
I have this simple code: First I was using only the @Builder Lombok annotation and everything was fine. But I added the constructor and the code does not compile any more. The error is: So I have two questions: Why is Lombok @Builder not compatible with this constructor? How do I make the code compile taking into account that I