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Tag: builder

Java: Abstract class with builder pattern

I hope this isn’t a duplicate; I know there are some similarly named questions but none of them seemed to solve my problem. I have multiple classes that are exactly the same – apart from one specific method. So I decided to create one abstract parent class, let’s call it A. A runs all the code and has one method

Change SuperBuilder method with Lombok

I have a class as follows: This generates a builder with a default() method that is not usable due to it being a reserved word. Is there a way to change this behavior so the builder works? Answer Unfortunately, there is no nice way in this case. @Accessors affects getters, setters and builders, because this is what you need in

Java text wrap issue, caused by input width

I am trying to wrap text based on a width of 10 characters. After looking at other questions, I have the following: This works until a word in my string is longer than the specified width. When this occurs, the rest of the string is printed on line line instead of still following the line width rule. Any ideas? I

Automatically create builder for class in Eclipse

Is there a way to use an automatic builder to create builder (Joshua Bloch’s Builder Pattern) for classes in Eclipse? For example an option in the menu, a plugin or something else. I could not find anything under “Refactor”. Answer Maybe I am late to the party. Eclipse on its own does not provide a way to generate code to
