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Tag: lombok

Change SuperBuilder method with Lombok

I have a class as follows: This generates a builder with a default() method that is not usable due to it being a reserved word. Is there a way to change this behavior so the builder works? Answer Unfortunately, there is no nice way in this case. @Accessors affects getters, setters and builders, because this is what you need in

Google Guice and Lombok – @AllArgsConstructor(onConstructor = @__(@Inject)) for abstract class

I find @AllArgsConstructor(onConstructor = @__(@Inject)) is helpful to keep code clean when working with Google Guice. I can save the constructor code. For example: For abstract class, I’m able to use @Inject for constructor. Is it possible to save the constructor code in ChildClass by using something like @AllArgsConstructor(onConstructor = @__(@Inject))? Answer No, it is not possible to define AllArgsConstructor

Lombok returns null as a value of response

I’ve got a problem with my Api tests. When i’m trying to get data from api, lombok returns null as an acceptance value, but there are values with real numbers in api. Screenchot: My DTO for the responce: My steps that extacts body and send post request public class PositionSteps { Api json responce getting properly. it means that

Lombok with SuperBuilder

I have a Java project that uses Lombok ( a java library that automatically plugs into the editor and build tools ) and this one: but when I do the builder: I got this error: Answer Cannot reproduce. Check to make sure you’re on the latest lombok (currently, 1.18.16), and if that doesn’t solve the issue, check that you’ve accurately

org.mapstruct don’t work with a base class

I have 2 classes. My base class: And my other class. This class extends BaseRequest class. And When I try create a mapper to cast my AddClass to OtherClass: When I run my build I received this error: Error:(22,13) java: No property named “dateTransaction” exists in source parameter(s). Did you mean “null”? Answer MapStruct works without issues with Lombok. However,
