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Tag: lambda

Using links to static and non-static methods with interface

Why I can call non-static method length() from class String, but I can’t call non-static method lengthHelper( String line ) from my class ExpressionHelper? Answer String::length is an instance method of String. It requires an instance of String to run, which you are providing, because you are passing elements of lines1 to it. ExpressionHelper::lengthHelper is an instance method of ExpressionHelper.

Mapping pair of elements into one with Stream IPA

So I’m wondering what is the best solution to the following problem: I have a list of items (a custom class) in a java collection ex Each item in the collection however has a corresponding logical pair also in the collection (so the pair’s are not necessarily following each other by index in the collection) I have a helper method

reusing stream inside a stream java

Hi I just wanted to know what is wrong with my code and how can I improve it as it throws an error “stream has already been operated upon or closed” thank you here is my code: I wanted to loop inside the file and check per line if the characters there exceeded 12 characters or not Answer You cannot

Trying to mimic java functional interface

I am trying to mimic the java’s Function<T,R> by writing below code : when I am writing below code in andThen, it’s working fine (pointing to apply(T t) of interface) and perfectly chaining the other functional implementations But when writing below snippet, it’s falling into recursion, logically that’s correct , but why in snippet A, after.apply(apply(t)) is calling outer apply(T

Can I use a lambda function like this?

I want to try to use lambda functions (which I do not understand well) so I can learn more about them. I have an assignment on trees that has us making a family tree class. children is a set of all of the children nodes to this node. Also as a side question, does this usage of AtomicInteger work similarly

Java does not catch exception

I am trying to implement lambda expression for constructor. My constructor can throw an IllegalArgumentException. I tried different ways. First way is just calling lambda expression: It works perfectly fine, I can catch Exception and then parse it. The problem occurs when I try to use my own interface: and then I use it as: But the last line of
