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Tag: lambda

What is the right way to compare the List of HashMap in Java using streams

I want to compare two List of HashMaps in Java. I want to understand a way to compare them using lambda expressions and not with a nested for loop. Two List of HashMaps : productDetailsFromInputData; Sample Data : productDetailsFromApplication; Sample Data : Logic : I want to loop through the productDetailsFromInputData List and fetch the ProductName Value for each hashmap,

Java 8 edit stream elements

I need to filter and modify the values of the filtered object. The logic that must be filtered is given below. I have tried it like this. But how can we set the value of isUpdated = true using java 8? Answer Base on the logic given, findFirst should be used as you stop after the first instance is found.

field initialization with `val myVal: (long: Long) -> Unit)` what does it means?

I’m new to using Kotlin, so far seems amazing, however I don’t quite understand what’s going on here: So, here’s what I do understand: I am creating a class that contains a method which receives a MyObjectClass When I call onClick(someObject) I am actually indicating to call clickListener(someObject.longField) I should use this callback method like this: Unit is a Kotlin

How would I turn this lambda function to a simple function?

I’m trying to understand lambda formatting in Java and could really use some help converting this function into a standard function to see how this works: Answer Start with the code to create an anonymous Callback object: Then paste in the right hand side of the -> lambda operator as call()’s method body. The only modification needed is to make
