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Tag: junit

Is there way to set default as null for SQL parameter?

I have a code that creates sql parameters using MapSqlParameterSource. Here is my code: Basically, if account type is spoofer, I have to have user id instead of account id. However, I don’t like that I have to set account_id and user_id to null when I instantiate parameters. Is there way to set account_id and user_id as null so I

Write unit test for jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate() method

I have jdbcTemplate code, on which I am trying to write a unit test case. But the problem is I am unable to cover the full code. I am able to cover till: try{jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(“update query”, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter(){ Test code snippet Please help. Answer Here the difficulty is that the new BatchPreparedStatementSetter(){ …} instance that contains the main logic that you

parameterized test constructor of junit java error message: Test class should have exactly one public zero-argument constructor

I can really use some help with this parameterized test case I am trying to create. No matter what kind of constructor I create the IDE gives an error message. Here is my code: I have tried different ways of creating a 1 parameter, 2, and no parameter constructors. But I have never seen this type of issue or what

selenium webdriver detect UI pop up error messages

I have this react application being tested using selenium webdriver. if my login is wrong, how do i detect the text using selenium webdriver? I am unable to find the code/ figure out how to trap the pop up message . ‘authentication failed’ Answer You can use below code to verify if authentication failed pop up is displayed or not:

Junit test of a class requires objects of other classes

I have a class defined as such: Simply put, there is an algorithm that requires input from other class, the mapObject, which is also another self-written package by me. My question is, apart from in junit that allows me to initialize a fixture in Are there any better ways? Answer It’s probably better to create the input object (i.e. the
