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Tag: json

Deserialize empty JSON array into empty TreeMap

I’m new to Java, and I’m wondering how to deserialize an empty JSON array into an empty Java object of type TreeMap<String, MyOtherClass>. Currently, I’m attempting to deserialize a JSON file with an array of objects, and each object into a class called MyClass. The class is roughly as follows: One of the entries in the original JSON is this

Jackson ObjectMapper JSON to Java Object RETURNS NULL Values

I’m trying to loop through the child object of a JSON array which stores objects. My JSON file is as follows: I would like to iterate through the each of the object of the JSON array and output them to the console window with: I can parse with Although, this gives me the whole JSON file and does not read

Loop Object from a single Array

im sending a Json Array from Activity A to Activity B, and i want to populate that Json Array into Spinner in Activity B. but when i Log the json array from Activity A, the data becomes a single object “NVAKSINATOR” : [{“NVAKSINATOR”:”[{“NVAKSINATOR”:”20800″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”0″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”77350″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”51750″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”30000″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”51500″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”25750″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”30900″}]”}] i want that number like 20800 , 0 , 77350 to be populated in spinner but i

Put a file Json (array) into a zip file [Java]

Hello I’m new to java and my english is not good as well lmao I need to put a file json (it’s an array json) in a file zip trought java but i tried multiple solution and doesn’t work 🙁 this is my code: any help ? regards Answer You are creating a ZipEntry but you are not adding the

How to deserialize json to nested custom map via gson?

I have the following json To deserialize it, I have the following data model class. I am not getting any deserialization error when I am using gson but the profiles variable is coming as null. This is how I am deserializing. var json = gson.fromJson(data,json.class) inside the match object there can be a dynamic number of usernames not just two

How can I deserialize it using Java?

I have a postgresql function that returns json: How can I deserialize it using Java? My POJO I want to use ObjectMapper but I can’t do this) Answer Change your Information class to the following (mind the Jackson annotations to match JSON properties): And then you just need to use Jackson’s ObjectMapper to convert your JSON String to the corresponding

Is it possible to work with json type in java spring boot?

Is it possible to work with json type as in javascript without generating JSONOject in java spring boot? Is it possible to work with the { } format without creating a JSONObject? Answer JSON stands for “JavaScript Object Notation”. The Java Syntax does not support JSON. Therefore, we cannot use JSON to declare any object in Java like We can,

How to parse JsonObject without JsonArray?

I have an json like this: But I could not get string objects from “data” tag using volley because there is no any json array to foreach tag. I tired and I search so much examples. I could’nt find any solution from stacoverflow. Any one can help me? Answer I am not familiar with Volley, but a straightforward way is
