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Tag: json

GSON flat down map to other fields

So I have an Android app which uses Retrofit for API. I have a class like which looks like: When GSON creates a JSON it looks like: Would it be possible to change JSON serialization to: Thanks. Answer Here is how Gson could be used to implement the flattening: I’ve put some comments explaining “whats” and “hows”. But it would

Parsing multiple JSON objects that exist in one line in Java

I’m currently using the OMDB API, which can either return get-queries as JSON objects or XML. Working with JSON is something I’d like to learn, and it generally seems like best solution for what I’m trying to do. The implementation I’m hoping for, is to allow the user to search for a movie, and select the correct one from a

How to parse array inside json object in android java?

how to display array data in json object if the json data is like below. I want to display array data of Ingredient and step. This is the full API Address that I want to fetch the data I’ve tried several ways but I can’t find how to implement it properly. this is my json model. This is the

java model mock response json

I am creating a Rest service which calls an external service. I have this problem: the external service I call responds in two ways depending on the case of Success or Failed. This is json: Well I created 3 simple classes: class XXX… private String result, status; …. getter & setter class Response… private String codiceCase, guidCase; … getter &

Build failed with UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field error

In my JSON file I have defined customMetrics as I have defined this customMetricCategory for different metrics in the same JSON file as While running the repo in my local, build is failing with the following error: Do I need to define anything else for this customMetricCategory? How can I get rid of this error? class Also there is
