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java model mock response json

I am creating a Rest service which calls an external service. I have this problem: the external service I call responds in two ways depending on the case of Success or Failed. This is json:

    "result": "001",
    "status": "Success",
    "response": {
        "codiceCase": "CAS-46759-Q8P7X3",
        "guidCase": "88458d32-dd42-ec11-8c62-0022489d2f61"}
    "result": "002",
    "status": "Failed",
    "errorManagement": {
        "errorCode": "E02",
        "errorDescription": "field not value in body"

Well I created 3 simple classes:

  1. class XXX… private String result, status; …. getter & setter
  2. class Response… private String codiceCase, guidCase; … getter & setter
  3. class ErrorManagement…private String errorCode, errorDescription;… getter & setter But when I populate with my mock, the json is always formed with the class field that I don’t care for example:
    "result": "001",
    "status": "Success",
    "response": {
        "codiceCase": "CAS-46759-Q8P7X3",
        "guidCase": "88458d32-dd42-ec11-8c62-0022489d2f61"    },
***"errorMessage"**: null}

How can I get only 2 of the 3 classes returned as json in my mock? Thanks for your help.



I suppose you’re using Jackson to deserialize JSON as this is – I think – the default for spring.

With Jackson you can annotate the model class to omit null values in the JSON string representation:

public class Model { … }
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