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Tag: json

Making a static final Json object in Java

I am currently building a Java Vertx application that executes a task periodically. This application is executes a certain logic and is supposed to return a value in a Json format. The logic seems to work and I don’t have a problem getting the desired value in the log, but I have trouble returning that value. And the code for

How to access repeated elements in JSON object java?

At first: I know, there are many questions like this one, but all the answers don’t help. I am new to JSON and appreciate every answer. I have a JSON object like this: The JSON object can have hundreds of these elements which begin with “type” : “node”. Now I want to access all lat, lon and names. There are

How to create APT hosted repository using Nexus OSS API

I am creating nexus repositories using nexus API, but I don’t know how to post multiline field in json. The API to create hosted repository needs GPG key and GPG key has multiline. Help me please. Thank you very much. Answer This was an embarrassing question. When replace “linebreak(n)”, I didn’t consider the operating system. I hope others don’t make

How to convert an input into a method that the program will understand

I’m currently working on my homework about client and server topic: I created a class called which will take three variables (year, make, model) from and pass them to then the Server will get information from and display the information about price, miles vv… As I understand, the program didn’t recognize the request that pass to

Method to get and post Json object in Vertx

I’m new to Java and to backend development, and I really could use some help. I am currently using Vert.x to develop a server that takes in a Json request that tells this server which file to analyze, and the server analyzes the file and gives a response in a Json format. I have created an ImageRecognition class where there

How to access JSON field that doesn’t have identifier

How could I access the #19 that is at the end of this JSON? Im using java 11 with GSON library but any library is okay or explanation. Some context: usually I reference the field like .get(“id”) but that 19 is kind of the first time I see that and I know it is because of the circular reference that

How to add subnode to json file using json-simple

I create json file with the folloing code: OUTPUT: How can I add content of java map to the this json output as a new node sothat I have at the end the following output: Answer You just need to add another object of type JsonObject and it will do that And that will return the output what you want

Add contents of Array List to a JSON Array: Java

I have an Array List called getFields: This array list logs out the following: I need to convert getFields into a JSON Array called jsArray, so I have done this: jsArray logs out the following: The problem is, I do not want jsArray to have a nested array (i.e. I don’t want it to have double square brackets). I want
