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Tag: json

Convert from LinkedHashMap to Json String

I’m Workin with Mongo using Jongo, when I do a query I receive a LinkedHashMap as result. the problem is that if the json is {“user”:”something”} content will be {user=something}, it is not a json is only toString method from HashMap. How I can get the original JSON? I don’t have a class to map the response and it isn’t

Convert a Bundle to JSON

I’d like to convert the an Intent’s extras Bundle into a JSONObject so that I can pass it to/from JavaScript. Is there a quick or best way to do this conversion? It would be alright if not all possible Bundles will work. Answer You can use Bundle#keySet() to get a list of keys that a Bundle contains. You can then

Convert a JSON String to a HashMap

I’m using Java, and I have a String which is JSON: Then my Map in Java: I want to store all the data from the JSONObject in that HashMap. Can anyone provide code for this? I want to use the org.json library. Answer In recursive way: Using Jackson library:

JAXB Mapping to JSON

I have written a JAX-RS (Jersey) REST Service, which accepts XML messages of ONIX XML format. Generally, I have generated all the required classes for JAXB binding from the given schema with xjc. There are more than 500 classes overall and I cannot modify them. Now, when I have a JAXB-mapped object, I need to store it to the database.

How can I import javax.json in eclipse

I have installed eclipse ide for EE developers and I am receiving an import error for I have right clicked on project folder -> clicked properties -> clicked Java build path -> add library -> JRE System Library, but the dependencies that show up are already imported. How can I import the javax.json package? Answer If using Maven, add this

Jackson read json in generic List

I’m using Jackson in order to read json messages. One of the values that I’ trying to parse is a List and another value contains the type of the data in the list. This is the structure i ‘ve created in java. Through Class.forName(); I can get the class which represents the data in the list. The question is how

Getting Result type in Interceptor

I have Struts 2 actions with different (HTML and JSON ) result types. They use common interceptor. If needed to intercept the request, how to return a result based on given action result type? For example, my Action.ERROR forwards to JSP page. If action is JSON type I want to forward JSON error instead. Answer I have Struts2 actions with

How to put/get multiple JSONObjects to JSONArray?

Is it possible to store multiple different JSONObjects into a single JSONArray? This is the structure, I want to store in a JSONArray. Here’s the code where I am setting JSONObject and putting it into a JSONArray Using this code only the last value, which I am setting in JSON object Override to all objects. Any suggestions to achieve this?
