This is some of the code I’m running for a MapleStory server. Whenever a script for an event like talking to an NPC is supposed to occur, this script will be run to create a scripting path for whatever script is being called up (NPC, portal, event etc.). I am also using jdk1.7.0_80 This is the bat error I receive:
Tag: javascript
Bitwise packing/unpacking – generalized solution for arbitrary values
I’m trying to adapt this answer to arbitrary numeric values. Let’s say we have 3 (unsigned) numbers: v1, v2, v3 and we know the respective max values they may have: max1, max2, max3. max1 * max2 * max3 < 2^32, so the result (packed value) is to be within 32 bits. How to pack/unpack them without “magic” hardcoding? Answer Here
how can I re-instantiate a class instanced by javascript (Nashorn Engine)
so, i instantiate a new class in javascript, and then add it to a list … Later I go through the list and instantiate all the classes again, to work with them. the Javascript: and later in Java: Exeption: This code works for all classes except the Javascript classes. The Javascript works fine (loading and executing the single instance), but
shows an error l”cannot read property ‘servers’ of undefined “
sorry i was a noob then Error 1: – this is an pick this is the error ${this.client.servers.cache.size} servers! Answer The error is happening because this.client is not defined. You have defined const client so it is not accessible as this.client but as just client Changing this.client to client in the code should solve your problem.
SAML – Get attributes from client side or Java ee REST api
I need to get attributes of the account from SAML identity provider. Is there any way to do it from client-side (javascript, browser) or using java ee REST API(JAX-RS)? I have found many tutorials about using SAML but they always describe a process of authorization application(always use server-side and jsp/jsf). I don’t need it. I just want to read attributes
calculating next date to the passed Date in WSO2 6.1.1 using script
I am trying to get next day of Date to the passed date. Reading dates from registry file. splitting above content by using colon separator and consider this as startDate and EndDate. Using script mediator to add Next day of Date for both dates. because after process done, i need to update registry with Next Days Date.(not yet included here,
Redirect to certain page upon clicking “OK”
My Servlet – “ImportFile”: doPost(){ … … PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); response.setContentType(“text/html”); …
How to retrieve parameter values of in a new jsp page (inside scriptlet)
I’ve a javascript through which I’m passing some values to a new jsp using“view.jsp?uname=”+objid+”&pass=”+ses,””,”heightP0 ,widthP0&…
Frida Casting object to List of Strings
I have been trying to print out the contents of a list when hooking an android app with Frida but am not having any luck. The object I want to hook in Java looks like this There aren’t any getters for this public object so I have to resort to using another object (Let’s call the object “Bye”)’s method (byeMethodB)
The action ‘NAVIGATE’ with payload {“name”:“HomeScreen”,“params”:……”} was not handled by any navigator. Do you have a screen named ‘Home’?
The action ‘NAVIGATE’ with payload {“name”:”Home”,”params”:{“user”:{“id”:”VUUpROQPtKaXVef15e5XhxXNLrm1″,”email”:””,”fullName”:”snertp0″}}} was not handled by any navigator. Do you have a screen named ‘Home’? I have this problem when I try to log in or register, I don’t know how to solve it. I have tried several ways that I have found but I can’t find the solution, Thank you! This is all the code