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Tag: javascript

Validating strings with Java and NodeJS

vo.getResultFun() and cod returns ‘G’ Java validation NodeJS isEqual Why NodeJS return the callback and Java don’t throws the exception? Answer The result of this js part : is false as the result of this java part: So there are several options : Validator.isNullUndefinedEmpty doesn’t works cod is not strictly equals to ‘G’ The callback function is not called

Convert response to JSON/String and Write to a File

I’m new on java and node, so after 2 days trying to do this… i wrote this question. I’m using a git ( and trying to make files with the responses i get from this api, but all i got so far is to write the results in the console. Is there any way to convert it directry and write

Jenkins pipelines trigger one after another

Can we execute one pipeline from Jenkins and trigger another pipeline with inputdata from previous pipeline? If Yes, will you please provide me how? Answer Yes, you can do that. Let’s say there are two pipeline i.e. jobA and jobB. Let us assume jobA is the upstream pipeline for jobB i.e. jobB will be called or build by jobA with

Java put/putShort with JS

Can someone tell me the equivalent of java put and putShort in JavaScript ? Answer I think what you are looking for is first: create the array buffer: then use a data view to get and set into it: In dataview you can control the byte ordering (big/little endian) And here is an example, getting binary representation of

Error: Unable to determine the current character, it is not a string, number, array, or object in react-native for android

Whenever I run react-native run-android while keeping the emulator running, I get this error. react-native run-ios wroks completely fine. As indicated in the error message, I tried running npm uninstall -g react-native react-native-cli but it didn’t work. Info about my environment: android/app/build.gradle below: android/build.gradle below : Initially I was getting this error: react-native build error: Could not find method implementation()

Spring WebFlux and WebSocket

I am trying to add WebSocket functionality to an existing application which uses Spring WebFlux. It uses: Spring boot 2.2.1.RELEASE Tomcat container Configured to serve jsp pages When I try to connect to it through JavaScript (from inside a jsp page) I am receiving the error “failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404” I noted that if I

Encrypt By javascript and decrypt by Java

I use AES encryption in my react-native app as below Out come= encrypted: aK7+UX24ttBgfTnAndz9aQ== following is the code I use in my backend using java for get the decrypt output= decryted : = 123456[][][][][][][][][][] Iam getting out put as 16 bit as above. what I want is out put should come as only 123456. Answer I Suggest you use java.util.Base64
