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Tag: java

How do i get Scilab 6.1.0 working on ubuntu 20.04?

I’ve installed the ubuntu repo of Scilab 6.1.0 and ive been trying to run it, The error message i get is I have tried: – running from the cli – running from the launcher the cli version works have gone to the forums and checked for the different solutions – deleting the SCIHOME directory. – reinstalling Scilab. – reinstalling from

Does commons-io’s FileUtils.readFileToByteArray close the newly created stream?

I’m creating a program that produce checksums for each files in directory. I’m using FileUtils.readFileToByteArray which internally creates a new FileInputStream. The problem is I didn’t find where the stream is closed and wondering about a possible memory leak. So I’m asking: does this method close the stream after reading it? Answer Short answer: yes, it closes the stream. Slightly

SpringMVC, why ‘@RequestBody String body’ stops working after adding MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter

need some help with jackson2 and springMvc. Issue: when adding MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter jsons fail to parse (previously they did parse) with error below. I have following @Controller method in code: And it have been working just fine until I’ve decided to add MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter() into converters. Like this: but after I do so, my requests stop to work with the following error

Stop current running Spring boot in linux

i am running a springboot application in linux.To run this springboot we use below command. This spring boot application makes an endpoint available which is then used by other services. Now when the new version of .jar is available i have to stop the current running .jar and again run the above mentioned command. Here my question is how to

Cache-Control : no-cache

I tried to build an app in android studio which does json parsing from a URL server with ports (example: So I found 3 methods such as asynctask, volley and okhttp. But the problem is everytime I parse it with these methods, the same exception always occurred. Unexpected status line: HTTP/1.1 Cache-Control:no-cache Here is my code So is

Problem in “between two set” hackerrank problem

Problem:You will be given two arrays of integers and asked to determine all integers that satisfy the following two conditions: The elements of the first array are all factors of the integer being considered The integer being considered is a factor of all elements of the second array These numbers are referred to as being between the two arrays. You
