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Tag: java

Fetched Date is setting incorrectly

So for example I save Date to database: And it is saved to database as this date for example 2021-09-01. Then I fetch this date and add two day for example and it should be 2021-09-03. This is the code: But the result I get is not the correct I want, because I get this: is should be How I

Minecraft forge server not working / downloading files

I’ve created a bat file with the command line ” java -Xmx1G -Xms1G -jar forge-1.12.2- nogui ” inside my server folder. It keeps closing there is some kind of error. I removed my name of course from the folders and I blurred out the folder name it’s a stupid name. and that’s my folder. Answer This issue appear because of

Secure a Java web app using the Spring Boot Starter for Azure Active Directory JWT token algorithm problem

I’m created java web application using spring boot starter for azure active directory step by step like is described in: My application with my azure account work fine when i open localhost:8080 it redirects me to azure where I do the login and then I’m redirected back to my app. Problem is when i try to configure this dummy app

how to compare input with file data

I’m trying to compare user input name to the exists names in the file javaFx if it the same name will get alert if not another window will appear. but I always get new window even if the name exists any suggestion? Answer You want to display an alert if the same is already present in the info.txt file. Otherwise,

Should I implement serialVersionUID in Exception Subclasses?

on a code review I saw Code like this… as I know we need to implement serialVersionUID to be sure that we deserialize same version of an Object as serialized. And if we take a look on Hierarchy of class Exception, we will see there is a implementation of “Serialiazable” interface. But in the class Exception we have already a
