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Tag: java

Selenium – Find element at other element level

I have following piece of code to read value from one field: In this case I receive an empty string. If I do it in this way with long xpath it reads correct value: So my question is why using findElement at WebElement row doesn’t work. I’d like to do it this way because I need to read more values

Java Filter one stream based on another stream and collect

I have this code working with a for loop and steam, but I was wondering I can improve it using two streams. Here I want to replace the for loop with a stream and would like to get a list of String that the method returns. Answer I was able to find a quick and dirty solution, of course not

Addition of two given numbers

Basically is about the binary numbers, the user needs to input two random numbers, both numbers will be added, and the addition of those two numbers only needs to have ones and zeros for example 5+6==11 OR 55+55=110, then throw a message saying “the addition only has 1’s and 0’s, otherwise for example 25+46=71 or 575+575=1150 then a message saying

How to inject ObjectMapper in spring

I have a batch job written using Spring Batch I have a config file below: I have Json Line aggregator as below: I want to inject objectMapper and don’t want to create it inside the JsonLineAggregator class. Any idea how can I implement it using DI ? Answer You can use @Autowired annotation to inject the dependency in spring like

Getting error while configuring Swagger-ui with spring reactive

While integrating swagger-ui with a reactive spring project generated using JHipster 7.1.0 for Java 11. I added the below dependencies. The application has below dependencies of swagger POM dependencies Apart from that we added a configuration Please share your feedback or inputs if you have faced similar issues. Answer When you have both Spring MVC and Webflux are present,

Custom Collector that cannot work in parallel

I have made a custom collector that uses a MessageDigest to create a hash. In general MessageDigest does not work in parallel. The issue I’m seeing is in the combiner() method. It is not possible to combine two MessageDigest objects. When I return null it seems to work but if I throw an UnsupportedOperationException it fails. What is the typical

How exactly does compare method in comparator work?

So I want to sort this numbers in list from smallest to biggest. In compare method it look like it is sorting desceding at first, but after the compare method is done with sorting, list is ascended sorted as I was expecting. Main: SortNumbers class: Output: And also I dont understand why was method comparing 1 and 3 because they

cordova gradle build SUCCESSFUL turns into FAILED

cordova gradle build SUCCESSFUL and then turns into FAILED. Maybe something is wrong with the versions? It seems to download a lower gradle version in the middle… why? Starting with versions: Gradle 7.3.3, Cordova 10.0.0, Java/JDK 17.0.2 – Here is the transcript (leaving only the main things): Answer After struggling for hours to find the correct versions, it appears that

call/run function from Kotlin with Nodejs

I’ve wrote some lines of code in Kotlin now i want to execute this function from Javascrip or Nodejs is that possible? I only find solution for calling JS functions but not for calling Kotlin functions for example: JS: Kotlin: I heared from Kotlin/JS but there are some difrents from the normal JS and Kotlin Thanks for helping Answer You
