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GridBagLayout 25% 50% 25%

Is this the right way to prevent GridBagLayout cells from being resized relative to their contents? SSCCE Answer Interesting. I’ve never seen an approach like this before. Typically the GridBagLayout is used such that: Each component is allocated space based on its preferred size If extra space is available then space is allocated to to each component based on the

java Linked List for swapping two numbers

I amgetting errors in my code. The errors are: error: class SwapNodes is public, should be declared in a file named public class SwapNodes { ^ error: Illegal static declaration in inner class SwapNodes.Main public static void main(String[] args) { ^ modifier ‘static’ is only allowed in constant variable declarations My program is as follows: Answer class SwapNodes

Is it possible to map jooq Record from string

I have a case where I need to map jooq Record from json to class instance. We have used our own mapper for this in the past, but underlying table had only basic types so it was working fine. Now we have a need to map Postgres interval type to jooq YearToSecond and it is not working anymore. I was

How to solve “ Element should have been “select” but was “input”” selenium error

I’m going to get the default selected value of the below dropdown I wrote below code to do it. But this throws the following error Element should have been “select” but was “input” How can I fix this? same code is working perfectly for dropdowns that don’t have “value” attribute. Answer The only explanation is there is another element

What is the meaning of flatmap( return Observer::onComplete;) in rxJava? And why is the return type of it is Observerable?

I cannot understand the line of return Observer::onComplete; Answer It’s a fancy and incorrect way of doing an empty result รก la Observable.empty(). fatMapObservable expects an Observable<POJO> as its return due to target typing. Since Observable is a single abstract method type, you can use a lambda expression to construct an instance of it. I.e., have the subscribe(Observer<POJO>) method implemented
