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Tag: java-8

How to Iterate over a String Array inside .map()

So i have these lines in a method – where Permission is a class and Name is a static inner class inside Permission Class, and getName() is a non-static method inside Permission class and getValues() is a static method inside Name class. The problem is getValues method returns a String Array. I am not able to pick up 1 by

Serial version uid in abstract exception class

I have a base custom exception class BaseException and several custom exceptions that extends BaseException I got a warning about serial version uid being not declared in the BaseException class. Is it needed in an abstract class? Is it a good practice? Is any way to get rid of the warning? Answer Yes, you need to define the serialVersionUID in

parallelStream() java 1.8 vs 11

Consider the following code: When it is compiled and run with java 11, it returns the following: But with java 1.8, it returns different result: Why results are different? Answer Both results are consistent with the Java Memory Model. One possible ordering in which execution occurs is: but, because you don’t do anything to ensure that the set and print

How to throw an Exception in a Consumer Java 8

Is there any way to throw an Exception while using a consumer in java 8? For example: This gives me a compiler error saying: Unhandled exception type Exception What is the correct way to throw an exception in this case? Answer Since Exception and its subclass (other than RuntimeException) are checked Exception and in lambda, you can’t throw checked exception.

Multiple filters applied to a single list in Java 8+

How can be achieved to pass a “list of filters” to a stream in Java 8, instead of applying them individually as illustrated in the following example? The purpose would be to dynamically create a list of filters, one way would be to iterate through a list of filters and apply it to the list to be filtered. Any

Direct conversion from Collection to LongStream

I have a Collection<Long> (obtained from a Map<UUID, Long>’s values() method) and I would like to convert it into a LongStream. The simplest way I can think of is: However it strikes me that there should be a simpler way to obtain primitive streams from Collections of boxed equivalents. I checked StreamSupport and could only find StreamSupport.longStream(Spliterator.OfLong spliterator, boolean parallel),
