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Tag: iteration

Planets won’t render when using for-loop in libgdx

I am running an N-body simulation (testing with three planets at first) and it appears when I use a for-loop to do so, all of the planets don’t render and while debugging i found out they don’t even have an address. However, if I manually type in the movement of all three planets it works. Here’s my code: It leaves

Problem with exercise where i have to iterable through MyObject

I have exercise: define an Incrementer class to get the code from main class gave the result: gave the result: Requirement: the program (including the Incrementer class) cannot use tables or collections. Hints: in (…) and by (…) are methods in the Incrementer class Incrementer should implement the Iterable interface MY QUESTION IS: How to iteratre throught method when in

Iterate an Enumeration in Java 8

Is it possible to iterate an Enumeration by using Lambda Expression? What will be the Lambda representation of the following code snippet: I didn’t find any stream within it. Answer In case you don’t like the fact that Collections.list(Enumeration) copies the entire contents into a (temporary) list before the iteration starts, you can help yourself out with a simple utility

Iterating through a Collection, avoiding ConcurrentModificationException when removing objects in a loop

We all know you can’t do the following because of ConcurrentModificationException: But this apparently works sometimes, but not always. Here’s some specific code: This, of course, results in: Even though multiple threads aren’t doing it. Anyway. What’s the best solution to this problem? How can I remove an item from the collection in a loop without throwing this exception? I’m
