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Tag: if-statement

Is it possible to decrement counter within a condition?

i am trying to detect a jokerStraightFlush when analysing a poker hand. I need to add a feature where this hand works 8S JK 6S JK 4S. The JK are jokers. I am using the exact same code logic as cardsTable represents the distribution of the Card ranks present in the hand. Each element of this array represents the

Why the if condition runs the other way

the value passed fromjsonObject.getString(“firstName”); to firstNameValidateUser is null as it doesn’t have any value, I need to run the following code which contain String firstName=jsonObject.getString(“firstName”);…. till returnedUser = new User(firstName, lastName, user.userName, user.password, birthDate, position,qualification,email); when the value of firstNameValidateUser is null. How do I check it,I have used the if condition to check if the firstNameValidateUseris null ,but from

If without else ternary operator

So far from I have been searching through the net, the statement always have if and else condition such as a ? b : c. I would like to know whether the if ternary statement can be used without else. Assuming i have the following code, i wish to close the PreparedStatement if it is not null (I am using

Nested if-else behaviour without braces

Consider the following unformatted nested if-else Java code My question is: according to the Java language specifications, to what if does the else branch apply? By hand-reformatting and adding braces, which of these two is correct? Block 1: Block 2: Answer From the Java Language Specification: The Java programming language, like C and C++ and many programming languages before them,
