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Tag: graalvm

Gluonfx build using docker fails, with error: Cannot run program “ie4uinit”: CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified

I’m building a native image using the Gluonfx plugin. I’m doing this procedure inside a docker container. The image builds the 7 steps, but doing the link throws an error complaining about missing ie4uinit.exe. These are the error logs: I would like to know if it’s possible to add this dependency to my docker image. Or, if not possible, a

native-image says “unknown type name ‘uint8_t'” during compilation

I’m getting this error: I’m with Clang: It seems that the problem is with this code in sys/resource.h: This line with stdint.h doesn’t get included and that’s why uint8_t doesn’t get defined. Answer Possible solution Please, consider trying to follow the instruction from quarkus/faq.adoc at main · quarkusio/quarkus: 1. Native compilation Native executable fails on macOS with error: unknown type

Is there a way to use a java object as an argument for a function and return one of said objects’s values in GraalJS?

I want to use a Java object new Train() as an argument to pass into a JavaScript function, here is the Java code JavaScript code As of right now it puts this error in the console [16:56:42] [INFO]: [STDERR]: javax.script.ScriptException: org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException: TypeError: invokeMember (getSpeed) on ScriptExecutor$Train@429b2a7b failed due to: Unknown identifier: getSpeed [16:56:42] [INFO]: [STDERR]: at [16:56:42] [INFO]: [STDERR]:

Spring Boot Docker Native image of Spring R2DBC application on Java 16 fails on unsupported methdod

I have a simple application built on top of org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent version 2.5.4-SNAPSHOT and some derived dependencies: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-r2dbc org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-webflux org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator io.r2dbc:r2dbc-postgresql I use org.springframework.experimental:spring-native version 0.10.3 to enable Spring Native and build using the following plugin: I build the image using ./mvnw.cmd spring-boot:build-image -Pnative-docker -DskipTests, I get assured Java 16 is bootstrapped correctly, and then the image exists (why it is

How to set up different graalvm-home and java-home in CI server to build native image

Issue: I want has two graalvm version in same CI server to build different quarkus version service project. resason: Because a few old service use quarkus-1.5.1 & graalvm-20.0.0 and I can’t upgrade that version. but I want use quarkus-1.13.1 & graalvm-21.0.0 in new service. tried: add quarkus.native.graalvm-home & in the pom.xml, setting graalvm path, but not working. Answer All

How to exit infinite JS execution loop when reading/loading Javascript in Java using GraalVM?

I found sandbox options as a way to set sandbox.MaxCPUTime in the graalVM documentation, to limit how long the thread runs – I’ve tried the following code – This has been failing for me with the error – Is there a better way to achieve this or a way I can make these sandbox options work? Answer You may

GraalVM native-image how to read resource file from Jar

I have a jar file which contain some text file inside, I am trying to load the file as: InputStream in = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(path); It doesn’t work as error showing : If I try to extract the resource file into classpath src/main/resources, then it is working fine. My question is, could we read resource file from Jar (when running in GraalVM
