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Tag: encryption

platform.win32.Win32Exception: The data is invalid | Java

I was writing this code to restore the user’s saved chrome passwords and display them on the console. I was able to decode Base64 encoded. But I am failing in decrying from this Crypt32Util.cryptUnprotectData any help … I am a beginner. 🙂 Output Answer decoder.decode() returns binary data. You cannot create a String from binary data. If you want

Decrypt using AES-256-ECB in Java

I have encrypted the string in PHP using AES-256-ECB. I would like to decrypt the same using Java/Scala? I am seeing the following error? how can we decrypt the same using Java? Note: (decryption in PHP is working as expected) but I want to do this in Java Answer The key has to be exactly 256 bit long. Clearly the

Getting BadPaddingException due to byte[] too long to decipher

The following code is tested for short strings, in that case it decrypts the string nicely. But if the string is too large I get fired the exception I mention. What could I do so it decrypts the string correctly maintaining the same large string to decrypt? Edit, well technically what’s decrypted is a byte[], changing title and adding code

Decrypt a Java AES encoded String in Dart

I need to decrypt an AES (PKCS#7) encoded string in my Flutter mobile application. The string is got from a QR Code, which has been generated from a Java application and contains the AES encoded String. The Java encoding : Output : AIRTEuNmSuQtYuysv93w3w83kJJ6sg7kaU7XzA8xrAjOp-lKYPp1brtDAPbhSJmT The Dart decoding : Output : Y��=X�Rȑ�”;12 You can see that only a part of the string

Cipher functions : WRONG FINAL BLOCK LENGTH Android Studio

There are a lot of threads on stack overflow with this topic, and always the same solutions, but these doesn’t work for me. I am looking for a way to decrypt the value byte[] encrypted and return byte[] decodedBytes. With the method AESCrypt. I use compile ‘com.scottyab:aescrypt:0.0.1’ With the value Cipher, i use it like that. Whatever i do, i

decode south african za-drivers-license

In reference to this discussion: Decode South African (ZA) Drivers License Please assist I seem to be getting an error trying to create PublicKey instance in Java on android. I have pasted the error below: Here is the code snippet: Answer The encoded public keys you’re trying to read are not of the format expected by X509EncodedKeySpec. Instead they are
