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Tag: docker

Error when running docker container “NoClassDefFoundError”

I am trying to dockerize a simple Spring Boot Application, built with Maven. Dockerfile: When I run the .jar without the container (java -jar target/backend-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar), everything works fine and the app is running. Now I create the container with docker build -t company/backend . But when I try to run the docker container with docker run -p 8080:8080 company/backend the

How to disable Keep alive in SpringBoot application in docker image

We have a Web application with following technologies: Java, SpringBoot, Docker, Microservices, Jhipster. The port number for the frontend container is 80. I am trying to disable keep alive option for the frontend microservice because SSO Authentication Server requires this parameter set to be false. I tried to create the front container with maven : mvn -Pqpm,no-liquibase -Dhttp.keepAlive=false clean verify

How to give name or tag for intermediate image?

I used docker to build my Java application and I using the multi-stage building and I have some problems every time when I run the docker command for building the docker creates new intermediate image with tag and name none and I need the possibility to called intermediate containers. That is my dockerfile: and after each running docker build command

Docker disable restart on-failure

The following situation: I have a Spring Boot Application which runs in a Docker swarm but fails to start because it was not properly configured (a property is missing). It seems to me that the docker swarm always tries to restart the container, but always fails because of the missing property. The restart makes no sense because docker will never
