I have a simple Micronaut server I am trying to launch on Heroku by building it with a heroku.yml but for some reason when I check the logs the process exits as soon as it starts. The docker image runs just fine locally and nothing else prints out in the logs so I can’t find out why. Here is my
Tag: docker
How do I execute a docker container
I created the images locally and created one repository in DockerHub called testName/backend. The docker images command shows the created images. And I would like to run the container with a command in the format docker run yourImage:version. So according to this (so I think I should call such a command: docker run 10fc47e065ff:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT However, I get this message: Unable
UnsatisfiedLinkError using openjdk:17 inside Docker container
I want to Dockerize a web application, which works perfectly fine locally. When trying to run the application inside Docker, an UnsatisfiedLinkError is thrown when invoking a function from the Nauty library. To work with this library locally, the Spring application has to be started by doing This library path points to the directory where the Nauty library (libnauty.so) resides.
Container Fails to Start: Insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue
We have an enterprise application running on Java 8. The deployment environment is built & updated through Bitbucket pipelines. I have a graphic showing the high-level architecture of the environment. We have two app servers running identical configurations apart from some application specific environment variables. It was all working well until a week ago when after a successful pipeline run,
Docker ENV LD_PRELOAD prevent container crash but throw java.io.IOException: Cannot run program “ls”: error=2, No such file or directory
I have a problem while call com.google.firebase.cloud.FirestoreClient.getFirestore() in a Java Application inside a Quarkus Server which is Running on an Alpine 3.15.4 inside a Docker container. I have created a small demo. The results are: Configuration 1 Enable in the docker file Results: init ok shell fail Configuration2 Disable in the docker file Results: init fail shell ok If init
how to set docker image name as a file name it creates while building
So i want to set the docker image name as a file it creates. the stages inside the dockerfile are: set new version for pom.xml, compile, package all using mvn. i want to set the docker image name as the artifact the build creates Example: my-app-1.0.1 Thanks! Answer So as Thorbjørn Ravn, Andersen and Max advised I changed my approach.
Custom LiquibaseDataTypes not found in docker image classpath
I am trying to build a custom Liquibase docker image (based on the official liquibase/liquibase:4.3.5 image) for running database migrations in Kubernetes. I am using some custom types for the database which are implemented using @DataTypeInfo annotation and extending existing LiquibaseDataTypes like liquibase.datatype.core.VarcharType (class discovery is implemented using the META-INF/services/liquibase.datatype.LiquibaseDatatype mechanism introduced in Liquibase 4+). These extensions are implemented inside
How to debug a JDK docker container in intellij idea?
I want to start up a docker container with debug options as follows, but the startup won’t work: Dockerfile: docker-compose.yml: Result: Sidenote: Port 5005 is of course not running/listening on my host! Also, if I change the port to 5006, 5007 etc, the error is always the same. So why is the port blocked on mvn spring-boot:run? Answer The problem
Create Docker Image with Custom JDK
I’m attempting to create a Docker image for my custom JDK install. It’s simply the Jetbrains Runtime with Hotswap agent added to it. I’m new to docker images and creating a source image like this seems to be extra difficult to find clear documentation. So far, I have this in my Dockerfile and I don’t really know where to go
Connect to MSSQL using python jaydebeapi from inside a Docker Image
I have a Python code that’s running properly on my system (Mac OS Catalina) but is failing when I am using it in my docker image. I am open to having a completely new dockerfile as well if that can work. I have the jar file next to my code so it can be picked up properly. Here is my