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Tag: configuration

Disable logging from log4j 2 library, how?

I’m using log4j 2 for logging and want to turn off the log messages from the library itself, e.g.: I got the following in my log4j2.XML file but I still get DEBUG messages like the one above: This question is not a duplicate of Disabling Log4J Output in Java because I don’t want to turn off all output, only the

How Spring @Autowired binds the SessionFactory object even if there is no SessionFactory instance available

I’m using Hibernate and Spring with Java-based configurations. My config file is this one: Working fine. No problem with this, but when I manually try to set the sessionfactory parameter for trasactionManager, like this: The IDE is showing: So, I created a sessionFactory like below and passed to trasactionManager It worked. My question is how spring autowired the sessionFactory object

Lazy way to convert log4j.xml to log4j2.xml [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question Is there a easy/lazy way (e.g a shell script etc) to

how to log only one level with log4j2?

I’m using log4j2 in my application. What I want is everything up to ‘debug’ to go to console, everything up to ‘info’ to go to myapp.log, and ONLY ‘info’ to go to ‘myapp-audit.log’. The reason is, INFO mostly consists of successful modifications to data (ex. ‘user created’, ‘user updated’, ‘user deleted’, and so on). If is effectively an audit log

Can’t remove jar from Web App Library

How can I remove the jars in my Web App Library? I manually added a couple jars to the web app library. My program is now pitching a fit so I clearly need to remove them. However, when I go to the Build Path, the “Remove” is greyed out. Answer A project’s Web App Library is composed automatically by Eclipse
