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Tag: api

How to load json data in java?

I’m quite new to API testing, I am wondering how to best and simple load some body? I created simple pojo classes, but i am having problems with nested json. ex: Then, in classes I used: and then in test class I am trying to use it, but have no idea how. But I have no idea how to declare

Error while saving user to h2 using springboot

I’m trying to register a user entity through an API and add it to “users” table in my local dB. I keep getting the error mentioned below. I am sending a POST request with the following body: It states the “NULL not allowed for column “ID”” but I don’t understand why ID is getting a null value. The User class

GCP API Client Libraries Java Examples –

I am looking to automate the provisioning of google cloud resources using Deployment Manager. Only I want to use the JAVA API library instead of gcloud. Specifically need to provision the following components using DeploymentManager. Cloud SQL – MSSQL Cloud Run Service VPC Network with the Connector to be used to connect Cloud Run to the Cloud SQL. I think

Rest API ResponseEntity add extra attribute to response

I’m trying to figure out response of a GET method API, it is returning extra attribute with name “attributesMap” Reponse entity return code is return ResponseEntity.ok(document); document model class but the API reponse JSON as an extra attribute “attributesMap”. Sample JSON as below: { “id”: “xxx”, “format”: “xx”, “attributes”: [ { “name”: “attr1”, “values”: [ “val1” ] } ], “type”:

Use API REST interface to authenticate user on android app

I am writing an App with friends that uses an API to login. I am using OKHTTP for the GET/POST Requests. I have written the following code for the Login page: After trying to login I get following error message I have tried multithreading but I have not found a solution that awaits the result of the login. And regarding

Change httpresponse with DTO

I run in container fake smtp and it has own api, but it’s not readable and i dont need like 80% of response, so how i can use DTO to make response more readable and less verbose? it responses huge json, i need to implement my DTO to make it more readable and remove unnecessary parts of json Answer I

How to get versions of a certain project via verison bundle

Since youtrack updated their api many requests have changed, so changed the version bundle request that i used usind previous api, it was quite easy to get versions of project with: new request should look something like this: but is seems like i cannot use /%versionName% anymoe so the only way i can get a bundle for certain project is
