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Set Android Custom Font on Tab Title

I am trying to set a custom font to the titles (“Tab Item 1”, “Tab Item 2”, “Tab Item 3”) from the code below. I am really new to Android Studio and Java and am just learning by doing and kind materials that has been over the internet. Assuming I have a font named “abc.ttf” already in my assets folder,

SimpleDateFormat returns wrong number of days

I need to get the number days, hours, minutes, seconds from a long value. But I am getting wrong number of days from a following code. When I pass 106988550 and “dd:HH:mm:ss” to this method, I am getting “02:05:43:08” Expected actual answer is : “01:05:43:08”. I don’t know where it is wrong and how I can achieve the actual answer.

Java slice array as in python

I have an byte array in Java and need to get parts of it. I wanted to work with Java arrays in the same way as I work with Python list, using slices. There is something similar to this in Java? Thank you in advance. Answer You can use Arrays’ ( built-in Arrays#copyOfRange()

Java Vowel count using Collection

I am asked to write a code to count and display vowels in a String using Sets. Any suggestions as to why the code below gives wrong output? Switch seemed like the obvious approach, I also tried with an if-statemen, but neither work properly. Answer I’m pretty sure it’s partially because you’re counting ‘Y’ and ‘W’ as vowels. Also, when

I have an enum, but i dont know how can I use correctly?

I searched so long for what enums are useful. In my Opinion there are Variables with many keywords. So have to programming a program what Is used to manage a bank. My Enum has 2 Variables EINZAHLUNG(Deposit) and AUSZAHLUNG(Payout). So I have an class Menue which is provide to call the Methods. The menue would be chosen by an UserInput.

How to specify source and target compatibility in Java module?

I have a Gradle project consisting of an Android module (the plugin is applied in the build.gradle file) and a Java module (the java plugin is applied in the build.gradle file). Within the build.gradle file of the Java module I was previously specifying the source and target compatibility as follows: I’ve just updated the project’s “Android Plugin for Gradle”

Parse list of beans with snakeyaml

Is it possible to parse with snakeyaml the following content and obtain a List<Radio> (where Radio is the appropriate java bean) ? new Yaml().load(…); returns a List<HashMap>, but I’d like to get a List<Radio> instead. Answer The only way I know is to use a top object to handle the collection. Yaml file : I just added “—” , new

Why does Java throw java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace but there is plenty of free metaspace?

In my application I’m creating lots of java classes at runtime with javassist library. At some point a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace is thrown but java process monitoring (based on reports that there is plenty of free metaspace. Why is that? And how to use 100% of metaspace memory pool? I’ve created a minimal application that reproduces the problem Donwload

Java invert a map

I need to invert an original map. which type is <Integer, String>, like {1 = A, 2 = A, 3 = B….}. I want to create a new map which is String to ArrayList because if 1 = A, and 2 = A, than I want to have something like this: A = [1, 2]. So how can I do
