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Tag: metaspace

why my JVM did 3 times of FullGC when it started

My job is a Flink TaskManager job. When it starts, it starts 3 times of GC. I don’t know why when it reached the MetadataGCThreshold it increased Tenured Space, while Metaspace didn’t change, and even increased between GCs. I thought FullGC would decrease Tenured Space, and some space of Metaspace. 😯 ================================================================= FollowUP thanks to Stephen’s answer, I set the

Why does Java throw java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace but there is plenty of free metaspace?

In my application I’m creating lots of java classes at runtime with javassist library. At some point a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace is thrown but java process monitoring (based on reports that there is plenty of free metaspace. Why is that? And how to use 100% of metaspace memory pool? I’ve created a minimal application that reproduces the problem Donwload
