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How to specify UTC timezone for Spring Boot JPA Timestamp

Environment Spring Boot Starter Data JPA 1.4.2 Eclipselink 2.5.0 Postgresql 9.4.1211.jre7 Problem I am building a Spring Boot microservice that shares a Postgresql database with a different service. The database gets initialized externally (out of our control) and the datetime column type used by the other service is timestamp without time zone. Therefore, since I want all dates on the

Fragment class not found

I’ve just started working on my first Android app and my focus is the main activity of the app, MathleteIDActivity, which includes a fragment TextFragment which displays some text. The project builds fine, but crashes as soon as the app is launched. This happens on two different phones running Android 4.x.x, so fragment support shouldn’t be the issue. The stacktrace

detect last foreach loop iteration

Supposing that I have some foreach loop like this: Is there a way to check inside foreach that the actual name is the last one in Set without a counter? I didn’t found here some question like this. Answer There isn’t, take a look at How does the Java ‘for each’ loop work? You must change your loop to use

Why does Spring MVC respond with a 404 and report “No mapping found for HTTP request with URI […] in DispatcherServlet”?

I’m writing a Spring MVC application deployed on Tomcat. See the following minimal, complete, and verifiable example Where SpringServletConfig is Finally, I have a @Controller in the package com.example.controllers My application’s context name is Example. When I send a request to the application responds with an HTTP Status 404 and logs the following I have a JSP resource at /WEB-INF/jsps/index.jsp

How to Convert an String array to an Int array?

I have made research for a couple hours trying to figure out how to convert a String array to a Int array but no luck. I am making a program where you can encrypt a message by using three rotors. I am able to type a message and get the index number for the first rotor (inner rotor) to encrypt

How to set IgnoreCase on sort parameters from an http request in Spring Boot 1.4

I have a Spring Boot backend running and accepting HTTP requests. Example: I’m using Pageable to handle the requests and automatic Pagination and Sorting, so I’m able to use requests like:,desc There is an issue however, that the sort if case sensitive, and thus the desired sorting result (case insensitive sorting) is not obtained. I know Pageable Sort
