For my password strength checker, I am unable to display the score that I get from the password that I enter. Here is the code below, the problem is displayed all the way at the bottom of my code: /** * Determine if the given string contains an upper case letter * @param s the string to check * @return
which tomcat version is suitable for java 8
Recently, our online web service using tomcat and JVM 1.7.0_51-b13 need to upgrade to java 8, which tomcat version is suitable for java 8 ? Answer See this link for details about which tomcat versions are supported on which java versions. According to that link, tomcat should work on java 8
How to retry with hystrix
I have a hystrix command that encapsulates a REST call. In case of failure(e.g. timeout), I want to make a single retry and return an appropriate error if it still fails. As I can see, Hystrix doesn’t support retries. The only way to do it with Hystrix is to put the main logic into getFallback() method. But it doesn’t look
Query id return type
I use spring data. I want to get some contracts from DB. So I create two queries. In first I get contracts id that I need, in second I get contract by this id. First query in Repository.class ServiceJPA.class But in last line above I have an error. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter value element [2] did not match expected type [java.lang.Long (n/a)]
How to interpret and translate a Lottie animation from Kotlin to Java?
I have been trying to translate this Kotlin code to Java since the project is in Java. I am translating by looking into Kotlin syntax. However, there are still others that I am having a hard time understanding. Specifically: For the setViewPagerScroller, I was able to translate the first part. Answer The method setViewPagerScroller uses kotlin anonymous inner class
How to remove child objects from a @ManyToMany relation with lots of children in JPA and Hibernate
Let’s say I have two entities: Organization and User. Every user can be a member of many organizations and every organization can have many users. Now, I want to remove an organization (let’s say it has 1000 members). When the user has few organizations, this code is ok: But when organization count is 10,000, this solution does not have good
Maven build and maven-failsafe-plugin – The forked VM terminated without properly saying goodbye
I use Docker and for my integration tests. On my Windows 10 (after updating to Windows 10 1709) machine I faced the following error with my Maven 3.5.0 build: Right now I have no idea what can be wrong, I don’t see any failures with my tests. What can be a reason of this issue and how to solve
Reading from File – Error “Exception in thread “main” java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found”
I am writing a program that reads from a file titled “grades.txt” and displays the student’s name, three grades, and the average of those three grades. The text file looks like this: Here is the code. I am able to read from the file and output everything correctly. However, I keep getting this error and I am not sure why:
Spring rest controller @ExceptionHandler return xml content and json errors
So I have a @RestController and I want to return and validate XML based on a schema for a front-end application in order to display them in an editor. I want the errors to be in json format in order to handle and display them with js. The ServerError I want to return in JSON format : So the <xml>hello</xml>
What is the equivalent of hashing Java code into C#?
I have a strange problem in getting equivalent hash code from C# code translated into Java. I don’t know, what MessageDigest update method do. It should only update the contents of digest and should compute hash after calling digest. Same thing I am doing in C# with SHAManaged512.ComputeHash(content). But I am not getting same hash code. Following is the Java