I am using inheritance along with super function in my program ,but when I am extending my class it showing error message “There is no default constructor in ‘cc’. ” . This error message is coming after 1st subclass is extended and trying to make 2nd subclass. Here is the code Answer dd inherits cc, so it’ll have to call
How to properly convert domain entities to DTOs while considering scalability & testability
I have read several articles and Stackoverflow posts for converting domain objects to DTOs and tried them out in my code. When it comes to testing and scalability I am always facing some issues. I know the following three possible solutions for converting domain objects to DTOs. Most of the time I am using Spring. Solution 1: Private method in
How to start up spring-boot application via command line?
I have a spring-boot application which I need to start up by going to the folder directory and start up my web application via command line. I have a class called Application.java and the code inside it is as followed. I set up classpath then tried to run the command “java ApplicationUtility” but I’m getting this error message “Could not
Wicket: how to create ExternalLink with
Within a table cell, I have to create a Wicket ExternalLink that shows the response in a new browser tab. I’ve used this code (Wicket 7.9): But Wicket renders this: <div onclick=”window.location.href=’http://www.geodata.com/maps?service=WFS&request=GetCapabilities’;return false;” target=”_blank”>Caps</div> This doesn’t open a new tab. The tables HTML markup is generated by Wicket, so I can’t insert <td><a wicket:id=”link” href=”…”></a></td> in the corresponding markup. How
Alfresco cron syntax: difference between 0/2 and */2?
Alfresco has a cron-like system that allows you to run a job at regular intervals. The documentation specifies as an example the expression 0 0/2 * * * ? which will make the job run every 2 minutes. However, in a lot of code I see people using the expression 0 */2 * * * ? instead, the difference being
delegate builder null when injecting authentication manager in spring security
I am in the process of converting an existing and working Spring Security (version 3.2.10) XML-configuration to a Java-based configuration. The XML-configuration I am replacing has an authentication manager configured: My Java configuration equivalent is: As the authentication manager is referred to by its alias in constructing other beans, I have overridden the authenticationmanagerbean like this: As suggested e.g. in
Apache Beam framework – sort in descending order
How do you sort in descending order using the Apache Beam framework? I managed to create a word count pipeline which sorts alphabetically the output by word, but did not figure out how to invert the sorting order. Here is the code: This code produces a list of words sorted alphabetically with its respective counts: Edit 1: After some debugging
understanding comparator in Collections.max
Can somebody please explain what the following lines of code mean?. I had a hard time understanding the Comparator part.I tried googling but all of them were too complex for me to understand. Could somebody please explain it in simpler way? Answer The max method returns the element that is considered the “biggest” in the collection. In this case, you
Lemmatization with apache lucene
I’m developing a text analysis project using apache lucene. I need to lemmatize some text (transform the words to their canonical forms). I’ve already written the code that makes stemming. Using it, I am able to convert the following sentence The stem is the part of the word that never changes even when morphologically inflected; a lemma is the base
How to filter the file types in primeng p-fileupload component
I am trying to filter the file dialogue window using p-fileUpload from primeng. I saw an example to to filter images as image/* and it works but i want ti filter for excel files. I tried file/excel, …