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Java tagged union / sum types

Is there any way to define a sum type in Java? Java seems to naturally support product types directly, and I thought enums might allow it to support sum types, and inheritance looks like maybe it could do it, but there is at least one case I can’t resolve. To elaborate, a sum type is a type which can have

JAVA ERROR : package com.sun.rowset is not visible : com.sun.rowset is declared in module java.sql.rowset, which does not export it

I’m simply try to run this code: When I run it I get: Error:(1, 15) java: package com.sun.rowset is not visible (package com.sun.rowset is declared in module java.sql.rowset, which does not export it) I’m using IntelliJ and I tried to import rs2xml.jar, and that still doesnt help. Answer As of Java 9, you can not access this class directly. And

Spring Test cannot get Spring Configuration Beans

I also tried putting EnvironmentServiceTestConfiguration as a non-inner non-static class, but didn’t help. Here is what I tried in a separate class: didn’t work either The test class is located in test/java/com.bhavya.test package. I am trying to run this particular test test1 This is my first test of such kind. I have never before used AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class, enlighten me. Stacktrace :

How to solve the java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException?

I have a file called “result.csv”, from that file i want to read certain data and display them. I have that file in my eclipse project folder itself. Still i’m unable to read the file. OUTPUT: Can anyone point where exactly i missed? and how can i overcome this or any alternate methods for this method? Answer The problem is

Temporarily stop consuming RabbitMQ messages and resume later

I use Java’s rabbitmq-client ( and I need to implement the following scenario: While receiving Rabbit messages, I may need to pause Rabbitmq consumption from particular queues if I suspect that all awaiting data will not fit in memory. After I processed some messages, I need to open consumption again for the following set of messages. Repeat as needed. What

Transform SQL to Hibernate criteria

I am writing a method for retrieving clients with sum of their orders ( higher and less than input values. All its okay, but, sometimes i am get an error: How can i correcting this method, or, maybe, convert this in full criteria style? Answer In the end, i solved this problem by this way, using sql restriction:

Creating two objects with same name in Java

I have a class name Planet and I am making objects in main. However, I saw my instructor doing this: So basically, my instructor is also creating two objects. I understand that a new object is basically formed when constructor is called but I always thought that the two objects need to have distinct names as well. As you can

What does “class loading deadlock” mean here?

I have this classes: And code inspector is detecting this warning: Referencing subclass NonRegisteredUser from superclass User initializer might lead to class loading deadlock What does it mean exactly? Answer The deadlock can only occur if you have 2 threads and one starts to load User and one starts to load NonRegisteredUser. There are synchronizations in place that will cause
