Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 5 years ago. Improve this question How can I build a color picker as given in the image using android? when an indicator is placed on
org.hibernate.MappingException: collection foreign key mapping has wrong number of columns
I have a class Subject as such, Its composite Id is defined in SubjectId class as such, On compiling, I get the error org.hibernate.MappingException: collection foreign key mapping has wrong number of columns: com.example.Subject.students type: component[name,teacher] While this points the error to students element, the error occured after I removed the autogenerated id of Subject, and replaced it with combination
Something wrong with armstrong number java code
I wrote a code for school in java that verifies if a number is an armstrong number. I programmed it so that it runs as many times until the user inputs 0, at which the program will terminate. I am having 2 problems. The code only works the first time through, if the user inputs 371 (an armstrong number) the
Graphviz’s dot tool on Windows
I’ve created a java program to write a .dot file as I’m using Graphviz software to visualize some data. There is nothing wrong with a code itself, but when I try to execute the following command in command prompt: dot -Tpdf -o data.pdf in a folder where my java code is located, I get the following error: ‘dot’ is
What is C++ version of Java’s cyclic barrier?
In java, multiple threads can wait all others at a certain point so that they don’t start a new block of codes before all others finish first block: is there an exact or easy convertion to C++? Also with OpenCL, there is a similar instruction: so all neighbor threads wait each other but it is only a constrained C implementation.
Best practice for using generics with Firebase snapshot.getValue()
TL;DR: How to correctly use a generic class with Firebase DataSnapshot.getValue()? Use case: I want to implement a single generic remote datasource class for all my entities (a bunch of them) using Firebase. When listening to data change, I want to get the values from datasnapshot as an object of type E (its type determined elsewhere) but I don’t know
Spring save locale and change locale when user logs in
I have a spring application that I want users to be able to change the preferred locale. Currently users can change the locale for the current session but I want to be able to save the users option so that whenever they log in, the saved locale is used if one exists. I have a mysql database which I’m using
Replacements for deprecated JPMS modules with Java EE APIs
Java 9 deprecated six modules that contain Java EE APIs and they are going to be removed soon: java.activation with javax.activation package java.corba with javax.activity, javax.rmi, javax.rmi.CORBA, and org.omg.* packages java.transaction with javax.transaction package java.xml.bind with all javax.xml.bind.* packages with javax.jws, javax.jws.soap, javax.xml.soap, and all* packages with javax.annotation package Which maintained third-party artifacts provide those APIs? It
JTextField render bug if Text-Not-Fitting (JDK 7 till 18)
JTextField has wrong text render on RIGHT_TO_LEFT component orientation We need a workaround, since whenever JTextField is filled with text that contains: Right to left text like Arabic, Latin numbers, and Latin text. Then JTextField renders text parts at unexpected locations. (It only renders right if the complete text Fits inside the JTextField.) The text we use to reproduce is:
how to traverse a Boolean recursion array
The exercise: Build a recursion(with no loops) that every cell that you go inside is the number of steps that you can go, it could be right/left until you get to the last cell. if you can’t get to the last cell return false, else return true. you must start from index 0. My problem: I build the program, it’s