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Best practice for using generics with Firebase snapshot.getValue()

TL;DR: How to correctly use a generic class with Firebase DataSnapshot.getValue()?

Use case: I want to implement a single generic remote datasource class for all my entities (a bunch of them) using Firebase. When listening to data change, I want to get the values from datasnapshot as an object of type E (its type determined elsewhere) but I don’t know if it is doable with Firebase query, like the following:

public class GenRemoteDataSource<E extends SomeClass>
   public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot)
        E item = (E) dataSnapshot.getValue(); // <- unchecked cast and it doesn't work

For example, I have a Foo class that extends SomeClass, and the implementation of this GenRemoteDataSource with a class of Foo would be:

public class Foo extends SomeClass{}

public class FooRemoteDataSource extends GenRemoteDataSource<Foo>

but Firebase throws a runtime error because instead of casting the getValue() as Foo, it would try to cast value as a upper bound SomeClass instead. I’m baffled as to why this happens:

Java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.HashMap cannot be cast to

please advise on how should I do this with Type-safety (No unchecked cast) . Thank you.

EDIT Stuff turned out to be irrelevant down below, see GenericTypeIndicator

EDIT I’ve also tried (blindly and heck worth a try) the GenericTypeIndicator,

GenericTypeIndicator<E> mTypeIndicator = new GenericTypeIndicator<>();
E item = dataSnapshot.getValue(mTypeIndicator);

but it instead spits the following runtime error. Not a direct subclass of GenericTypeIndicator: class java.lang.Object



TL;DR my solution, (introduces more dependency than semantically necessary ?)

public class GenRemoteDataSource<E extends SomeClass>
   private final Class<E> clazz;

   GenRemoteDataSource(Class<E> clazz)
      this.clazz = clazz;

   public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot)
        E item = dataSnapshot.getValue(clazz); // <- now is type safe.

I ended up just providing the Class definition to the getValue() via a constructor injection. This is done by passing a Class<T> into the generic class’s constructor and sets it for Firebase’s getValue() to use as a instance parameter. Please comment if there are better solution, because to me this seems redundant. Thank You!

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