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Gradle build ignores Jetbrains annotations

Let’s say we have the following test code: The test will pass when running gradle test directly or if IDEA delegates the action to gradle. But it will fail with IllegalArgumentException: Argument for @NotNull parameter ‘value’ must not be null exception if it runs using IDEA runner (not delegated to gradle). The question is: how to fail the test running

Dagger Component has conflicting scopes

I am using Dagger and I have an app component with @Singleton scope and also a subcomponent with @Singleton scope. Now when I compile it I get this error: [io.droid.nowtellapp.dagger.SignInMvpComponet] io.droid.nowtellapp.dagger.SignInMvpComponet has conflicting scopes: io.droid.nowtellapp.dagger.ApplicationComponent also has @Singleton To resolve this error I removed @Singleton from my subcomponet and compiled it, this time getting this error: Error:(12, 1) error: io.droid.nowtellapp.dagger.SignInMvpComponet

Spring Boot + MongoDB Id query

I have a Spring Boot application combined with MongoDB as the persistance layer. I have the following structure: I also have a ResourceRepository: I found online that a way to have the id property returned in the JSON when you perform a GET request like http://localhost:8080/resources/ is to change the id property to Id (uppercase i). Indeed, if the property

Difference between junit-jupiter-api and junit-jupiter-engine

What’s the difference between maven modules junit-jupiter-api and junit-jupiter-engine? Is it necessary to include both dependencies in build.gradle? Do I need to provide both dependencies? Or only one dependency is enough? And do I need to add a dependency on junit-vintage-engine? Answer JUnit Prior to Version 5.4 From the docs: junit-jupiter-api JUnit Jupiter API for writing tests and extensions. junit-jupiter-engine

Count the same items in a row in Java 8 Stream API

I have a bean and a stream and want to apply some intermediate operation to the stream that returns another stream of objects of TokenBag. In this example there must be two: (“a”, 3), (“b”, 3) and (“a”, 2). Please think it as a very simplistic example. In real there will be much more complicated logic than just counting the

Resilience4j circuit-breaker ring bit buffer size configuration

I’m looking to implement resilience4j circuit breaking library into a web application. My application talks to two services and each service receives anywhere between 20 and 150 requests per second depending on the time of day. Resilience4j provides you with the ability to define a config for each circuit breaker which lets you configure the thresholds and ring buffer size.

Mockito thenReturn returns null when coming from generic function

I want to mock the ResultSet in a class, whose parameters come from a generic return function (getSQLValue): The table class with the signature method: And this is the unit test class: The problem is that the ResultSet is always null, I can confirm when debugging. Answer Turns out that Mockito, after “accepting” the first argument as Integer, fails to

NavigationView header image

I need to change NavigationView header image from fragment, but i am getting error. Someone can tell me what i am doing wrong?. Thank you for helping))) java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method ‘android.view.View’ on a null object reference My Fragment code navigation header xml activity_main Answer The view you are referring here is your fragment which is not

How to add parenthesis to queries in querydsl?

I’m using querydsl for sql selects. Now I have native query that I want to transform to querydsl. It consists of two OR statements in parenthesis, followed by and AND query that applies thereby to both OR parts. I need the following: In querydsl I can write for example: BooleanExpression query = q1.and(q2).or(q3.and(q4)).and(q5) But that’s not the same. What I
