we are trying to shutdown all process which are all running in micro service Any Consumer currently doing some work when trying to ack their current message Any other action on the channel. I’d like to let the consumers finish whatever message they’re processing and then close everything down. if we stop the running process and allow the transfer of
Error creating bean with name entityManagerFactory with Hibernate 5.2.13.Final
I was recently running a spring-boot application with no trouble until the hibernate-core dependency came to version 5.2.13.Final. It is strange and the difference with other question with a similar title is that if I just overwrite the version of hibernate-core dependency back to 5.2.12.Final, things will be right. So I just wondering the reason why version 5.2.13.Final goes wrong,
Why component scanning does not work for Spring Boot unit tests?
The service class FooServiceImpl is annotated with @Service aka @Component which makes it eligible for autowiring. Why this class is not being picked up and autowired during unit tests? The test failed to load application context, Full stack trace If test class is annotated with @SpringBootTest then it creates whole application context including database connection and a lot of unrelated
How to decrypt EncryptedAssertion manually
I want to decrypt the EncryptedAssertion. I tried with OpenSaml Decrypter but its not working for me.I am getting Failed to decrypt EncryptedData I have already ask that question – EncryptedAssertion Decryption failing While I am waiting for any solution I am trying to decrypt it manually. Its a Hybrid encryption I tried below code I am not sure if
can’t get instagram profile picture full size
a few days ago i was able to fetch inta profile pic in my android app by remove vp/ from the pic URL and change the resolution from s150x150 to s720x720 for exp ,and it worked fine but now i still get “invalid url signature” , so i think instagram has added signature to their url ,I usually remove the
cannot find Chrome binary error on Jenkins using maven and WebDriverManager
I’m trying to run my test (Selenium+junit+cucumber+Maven) on Jenkins. In my definition class I’m not pointing to Chrome binary but rather use WebDriverManager: @Given(“^I navigate to page$”) It works fine on my machine (Win), but when I’m trying to execute this on Jenkins (Ubuntu box), I get error: org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: unknown error: cannot find Chrome binary (Driver info: chromedriver=2.35.528139 (47ead77cb35ad2a9a83248b292151462a66cd881),platform=Linux 4.4.0-1047-aws
Eclipse irreversible Dynamic Web Module 4.0 selection; Tomcat 9 doesn’t support it
I’m using Eclipse Oxygen.2 (4.7.2) on Windows 10 with Java 8. I have a faceted project I run inside Eclipse using Tomcat. I had been using Tomcat 8.5, but on a new system I upgraded to Tomcat 9. Of course I removed the Tomcat 8.5 server and server runtime within Eclipse, and added back a Tomcat 9 server runtime. Before
Rest Controller method not getting called in spring boot
I am implementing rest webservice via a spring boot application. POM application.properties Application launcher class Controller I see Did not find handler method for [/services/account] message in the console when I fire http://localhost:8082/services/account URL in the browser as shown below I dont see message – ACCOUNT METHOD CALLED in the console meaning controller method is not getting invoked.Can you please
Is it necessary to use @Configuration while working with spring annotations
I am working with a simple spring application to check @Configuration and @Bean(java based configuartion only),The program is working with both @Configuration and without it.So is it necessary to have it. Here is my code, Student.java Faculty.java MyConfig.java Client.java The output is same with or without the @Configuration Even tried with autowiring,it is also working without @Configuration Student.java Client.java Answer
map inside a map – Need data in specific format
I have a requirement where I want to read multiple project pom files and display data in below format My coding is getting input on project , ver and technlogy and displaying, but however I couldnt second value inside the internal Please help me understand why I couldnt add 2nd key value pair to Internal map? Is there a better