Coming from a Node background, what is the equivalent of console.log() in spring boot? For example I’d like to see in my console the job info in the following method. System.out.println(); is how I know to do it in Java but it doesn’t seem to appear in my console. Using IntelliJ. Answer System.out.println(job); like you have done. It prints something
Read something in the same print line
I am beginner in JAVA programming and I was wondering about how can I read a number (or character) in same line that I’ve print a question Example: Answer Use print method, it will not change the line and you can enter the number in the same line
“FluentWait cannot be applied” error in until() while checking for a string
I have a Selenium test that checks if a certain string can be seen on the testpage. My idea is to use an explicitwait if the page doesn’t load immediately. After that I did: So it has a waiting time of max 10 seconds before continuing. If it sees the element within 10 seconds the test continues. But i get
Is using id field in @AllArgsConstructor while using Spring JPA correct?
Using spring-boot and JPA I have an Entity I want to use lombok to reduce boilerplate code. However in my entity there is the id field. Shall I put it in the constructor arguments with @AllArgsConstructor or shall I eliminate it from theargument list (somehow, how?) due to being auto-generated with the @id and @GeneratedValue annotations? code: Answer For your
Hibernate Criteria API join to another table only with id
I am trying to join from one table to another by using the Hibernate Criteria API. The problem is that table Contract has only salesId as defined as long (so no FK). Then I am not sure how to associate Contract with Sales. Better to explain in an example below. The schema is the following: In Contract entity I have
processing hex string to color
I’m reading hex colors from a JSON file, but need to get them as an int so I can create a color. int col=Integer.parseInt(“FF0000”,16); returns 16711680 int c = unhex(“FF0000”); returns 16711680 …
Appending a string into 2d Array Java
I have a string containing the following: I want to put it in a 2d array so there will be 4 rows of 3 this is currently what I have, its not working correctly though: Answer It looks like you got the indexes mixed up. I added some print statements to your original code with a modification to get the
logging in interface methods
I have been working on java 7 so far and recently moved to java-8, one thing which was surprising is that you can add methods in java-8 interfaces. So far so good….loved this new stuff! Now, my problem is that logging is an essential part of any development but seems lombok.extern.slf4j won’t let you add log stuffs in by interface
Eclipse: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/activation/DataHandler
I’m trying to send an email in java. Here’s the code: When I compile the project, on line: …the following error comes out: Note: I’m using java -version: 9.0.4 Answer JDK 9 disables access to many of the javax.* APIs by default, javax activation is now deprecated. However you can resolve it with adding the module at run time
expressjs-similar Framework in Java? [closed]
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 2 months ago. Improve this question Is outside there an expressjs similar framework for Java? I’m looking