I want to create an UUID hash using a machine specific ID number other than the MAC address to validate the computer which runs the java application on. Is it possible using Java 1.8? If so, what is the best option I can choose? It would be more helpful if it will be used for both Windows and Unix platforms.
Accessing objects in other class Java inheritance
In my program I have class Vehicle and class Car which inherit from Vehicle. I’ve created two Car’s objects c and c2. Now I have to make sumFuel() method in Calculate class which sums fuel used by …
How to automate Android 6.0 Date picker to set any date?
Can anyone help me on how to automate DatePicker in Android 6.0 using Appium and Java? I was able to automate it only for the current month dates. But I need to set the date for any date I am passing to the method. Answer I have finally solved this. What I did was from the date picker I have
Cannot forward to error page for request … as the response has already been committed. As a result, the response may have the wrong status code
I am using Spring Boot 2.0.0.RELEASE, Thymeleaf, Spring Security, JDK 10, Apache Tomcat 9.0.6 . I have controller at application.properties I have I have configuration class When I access http://localhost:8081/cash/ccy or http://localhost:8081/cash/vy I see the same error … The full console log is https://gist.github.com/donhuvy/ad3f65955292d9874805c99c03f3227f#file-console-log-L450 How to fix it? Answer I am missing Thymeleaf dependency. I must add this line to
Android set full screen from fragment
This is my question: I have an android app which allows users to go full screen for a better readability. The full screen fab toggle button is placed inside a fragment which actually contains the readings. To make it dead simple: Main Activity contains Readings Fragment Readings Fragment contains a fab button to toggle full screen To trigger the full
java 9 unnamed module reads package [X] from both … while debugging (with IntelliJ)
In my project I have a package that uses several 3rd party libraries. Let’s have a look at the dependency tree: Compiling and running works fine so far. But when I what to start debugging with IntelliJ, I get a list of over 100 errors like: This seems to be an error due to the new Java 9 module restrictions.
JUnit 5 does not execute method annotated with BeforeEach
JUnit 5 does not invoke my method in a test class that is annotated with the @BeforeEach annotation, where I initialize some fields of the test object that are needed in the tests. When trying to access these fields inside a test method (method annotated with @Test) I obviously get a NullpointerException. So I added some output messages to the
How to use part of composite key in JPA repository methods?
I have a class with embedded Id Now in my repository I want to have a method to search only by secAccount, so how should I write findBy.. I tried findByAccountLinkKeySecAccount(String secAccount) but still no success. Answer I have rewritten your class and could add repository function as well. Here’s my implementation which you might consider taking a look at.
How to set java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level from command line arguments?
Current default global logging level is set to INFO in JRE_HOME/lib/logging.properties file. I run the following from the command line to over-ride and set the level to FINE: And, I use the below in my code: The above message doesn’t get printed in the output. If I change it to the below line, it prints successfully. What am I missing?
Using Single Template for all PDF Pages in IText 7
I have the following PDF template which should be consistent for all the pages that gets added in the PDF I am creating , The issue is that, am getting this template only for Page 1 and for rest of the pages only blank template is used , Here’s the code am using right now, I have referred this itextsharp