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Why does a “customised Enum constructor” return the info of all the other Enum type?

Output: I am just wondering why the output would give the information of all the other Enum types despite the fact I only initialized one enum object (TrafficSignal.GREEN). Answer All the enum’s objects instantiated automatically when class loads You said: despite the fact I only initialized one enum object (TrafficSignal.GREEN). Incorrect. You did not instantiate an enum object. You accessed

Why my IF can’t get some of my ArrayList’s indexes?

My idea here is to check whether the elements of my ArrayList start with A, B, C, or with another letter, but for some reason, my IF can’t get some words, such as “Almofada”. Output Answer Your issue is with your for loop. You are incrementing the index ‘i’ on each iteration of the loop, then removing the word at

Integer.parseInt() and Integer.toString() runtime

Would the runtime of Integer.parseInt(String i) and Integer.toString(int i) both be O(n)? Answer Yes both of them Integer.parseInt(“1000”) and Integer.toString(1000) have time complexity O(N) The internal code of Integer.parseInt(“1000”) reads the the strings char by char and covert to decimal in while loop The internal code of Integer.toString(1000) reads the integers and convert every digit to char and stores in

SUM(ABOVE) functionality in apache poi or docx4j

I am trying to implement =SUM(ABOVE) function in docx which is used to sum all elements above to tht column. I was able to implement this with apache poi using : This is ok when someone opens the document and it calculates it. But if I need to convert the document without opening it to pdf then this function doesnt

How can i extract ” ” “from json register in java

I’m working with a java’s library (Gson) to store new Users in a file named “users.json). When i register a new one, my code reads previous data in the file to convert and add with the new data in a List of Users to write the new content to the json file. The problem comes when the previous data are

Can’t use FileObserver to Observe Files Inside a Folder

I want to observe if any file/folder is added inside /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera using FileObserver in a service, but it didn’t work. Please tell me if there is anything wrong in my code 🙏. Here is the source code: AndroidManifest.xml I added the uses-permission and service tags: I added FileObserver inside the service, and overrided its onEvent method: I start
