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Disable feign encoding of PathVariables

I have the following Feign Client: The items can contains special characters like : or :: which are being encoded. Request URL becomes something like: Rather than: Can anyone help me understand how can we fix this issue? Answer OpenFeign has an issue tracking: Guess it will be implemented by spring-cloud-feign once its done. Meanwhile, my workaround

When building an application jar with Maven Shade, is it safe to exclude all META-INF/versions directories/files?

I believe the versions folders are there to support multiple Java versions. We always build for a very specific version (at this time 11). Is there a danger to excluding those directories/files when creating our single application jar? ex. Thanks! Answer Yes, these versions folders are for the support of Multi-Release Jar Files (see JEPS 238). It seems safe to

import org.neo4j cannot be resolved?

I am very new to Neo4j and I’d like to get started with an embedded Neo4j in a Java Application. I try to run a HelloWorld Application as follows. } The Pom code is as follows. Unfortunately I cannot run the code it raises “Exception in thread “main” java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: at HelloWorldExample.main(”. Additionally, when hovering over the import

JOOQ: How to resolve foreign keys as objects?

Say I have a table that references another table, in this case “TestScenarios” references “TestSchemas”. So each TestScenario HAS-A TestSchema. I autogenerated DAOs, however, when fetching TestScenario instance via the DAO the TestSchema field is an integer, not a TestSchema-object. How can I get JOOQ to resolve foreign keys directly as objects up to a certain depth? Answer DAOs don’t

How to come out of EditText when clicked on empty space?

I made an app which gives a dialog when an EditText loses focus. However, the editText doesn’t lose focus even when the keyboard is closed. I want that the editText should lose focus when the keyboard is closed (using the back button) or when we click on empty space (empty space being LinearLayout.) How can I do that? Answer This

getting error while compiling java program

i’m getting this error while compiling the java program to find the area of square & rectangle using overload constructor . error: expected public Static void …

Is it possible to decrement counter within a condition?

i am trying to detect a jokerStraightFlush when analysing a poker hand. I need to add a feature where this hand works 8S JK 6S JK 4S. The JK are jokers. I am using the exact same code logic as cardsTable represents the distribution of the Card ranks present in the hand. Each element of this array represents the
