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Tag: spring-cloud-feign

How can I get api with FeignClient

I used Lombok, Open Feign and Spring Web I have currencyClient interface: And Controller: And “http://localhost:1212/getAllCurrency” is not working cause the link is converted into “****” I understand that &/= are reversed and I also think that my indication of List is not correct. That’s what I tried so how can I get info from “****” as “http://localhost:1212/getAllCurrency”? Answer According

Disable feign encoding of PathVariables

I have the following Feign Client: The items can contains special characters like : or :: which are being encoded. Request URL becomes something like: Rather than: Can anyone help me understand how can we fix this issue? Answer OpenFeign has an issue tracking: Guess it will be implemented by spring-cloud-feign once its done. Meanwhile, my workaround

Make Feign client to take truststore from custom property

Feign client in our app is communicating with a self-signed server. We are able to make Feign client use the custom truststore using the property system property. But because my app also communicates with standard CA certified sites, the default truststore shouldn’t be overridden. How can I use the custom truststore without using system property? Or else how
