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How do I implement countdown in the GUI

I wrote a piece of code in Java about a countdown function in GUI, but I found that when I wanted to use timers and threads, time could not be refreshed in the GUI. Sleep () {I know this will be a function in the main thread, but later I ran it. It is not, and I don’t understand}. So

MDC value missing from log

My app is running on amazon SWF and I want to be able to see all the logs of a specific request using an slf4j MDC. For some code flows I see the MDC in the logs, but for some they are missing, for example: I have these 2 lines of code one after the other: I See the log,

Jmeter Injector Heap size

We have a jmeter injector box which uses 32GB heap size for jmeter jvm. When running load tests we noticed a big dip in injecting load when GC activity happens. Anyone experienced this before? Which GC algorithm we can use here?? Answer Most probably you’re seeing so called Stop-The-World There are garbage collection algorithms like: ZGC Shenandoah C4 which can

InfluxDB 2 / influxdb-client-java: Long data is written but String value is read. ClassCastException occurred

InfluxDB v2.5.1 influxdb-client-java 6.7.0 Java POJO Write Read The reading statement throws InfluxException Answer First of all tag in influxdb always is string link Secondly when you get it from influx using influx-client it get it from influxdb as a String and cannot cast to Long. (because under hood java influx client uses long.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) and String is not assiganble for

Using a predefined lambda as an argument in Java [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 11 days ago. Improve this question So i’m trying to pass this test: I’m having a really hard time understanding how to create a method count that can take the lambda

Spring security exception handling custom response

How is it possible to return a json instead a html? I got: i need something like this: My Adapter: The CustomAuthenticationEntryPoint Answer Pragmatically we can print/write to response[.getWriter()] within our entry point, like: BasicAuthenticationEntryPoint@github Then we can pass a test like: To make it work for basic authetication and “wrong credentials” see also: . Dup/Related: How to set
