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How do I implement countdown in the GUI

I wrote a piece of code in Java about a countdown function in GUI, but I found that when I wanted to use timers and threads, time could not be refreshed in the GUI. Sleep () {I know this will be a function in the main thread, but later I ran it. It is not, and I don’t understand}. So how do I implement this countdown to refresh constantly in the GUI? The code is as follows,I only wrote a function to display the system time:

import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;

public class CurrentTime {

    public String SystemDate(){
        //Get the current time of the system default time zone
        LocalDateTime now_time =;

        //Format the time accordingly
        DateTimeFormatter ofPattern = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy年MM月dd日  hh时mm分ss秒");

        //Return the corresponding information
        return now_time.format(ofPattern);


import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class MainGUI {
    public void showGUI(){
        // 创建一个庄口JFrame名为:Target_Countdown
        //Create a portal JFrame named Target_ Countdown
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("Target_Countdown");

        //Set the default action when closing the window

        //Set Window Title

        //Set window size

        //Set the initial display position of the window
        frame.setLocation(500,150);   //800  450

        //使窗口显示状态为 True
        //Make the window display state true

        //Create a Jpanel panel component
        JPanel jpanel = new JPanel();

        //Get the data from currentTime and import it into the JTextfield named showArea
        CurrentTime currentTime = new CurrentTime();

        String ymd_hms = currentTime.SystemDate();

        //Use JLabel to display the current time, which can be replaced with JTextField
        JLabel showLabel = new JLabel(ymd_hms);
        showLabel.setFont(new Font("宋体",0,20));

        //Place showLabel on the top of the jpanel


import javax.swing.*;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Generate mainGUI instance
        MainGUI mainGUI = new MainGUI();

        //调用mainGUI中的showGUI方法   此处如果不想实例化,此处可以把mainGUI 加 static修饰 或者把showGUI()方法加static修饰
        //Use the SwingUtilities tool to call the createAndShowGUI () method
        //Call showGUI method in mainGUI. If you don't want to instantiate, you can add static decoration to            mainGUI or static decoration to showGUI () method



I hope to see a function of continuous countdown in the GUI, hope mogul can solve my problems ,sincerely say thanks for you!



Oracle has a helpful tutorial, Creating a GUI With Swing. Skip the Learning Swing with the NetBeans IDE section. Pay particular attention to the How to Use Swing Timers section.

I added a Swing Timer to your MainGUI class. The code in the actionPerformed method is executed every 200 milliseconds, which should be accurate enough for a clock that displays seconds.

Here’s the complete runnable code. I made the additional classes inner classes so I could post this code as one block.

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.Timer;

public class CountdownTimerGUI {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Generate mainGUI instance
        MainGUI mainGUI = new CountdownTimerGUI().new MainGUI();

        //调用mainGUI中的showGUI方法   此处如果不想实例化,此处可以把mainGUI 加 static修饰 或者把showGUI()方法加static修饰
        //Use the SwingUtilities tool to call the createAndShowGUI () method
        //Call showGUI method in mainGUI. If you don't want to instantiate, you can add static decoration to            mainGUI or static decoration to showGUI () method
    public class MainGUI {
        public void showGUI(){
            // 创建一个庄口JFrame名为:Target_Countdown
            //Create a portal JFrame named Target_ Countdown
            JFrame frame = new JFrame("Target_Countdown");

            //Set the default action when closing the window

            //Set Window Title

            //Set window size

            //Set the initial display position of the window
            frame.setLocation(500,150);   //800  450

            //使窗口显示状态为 True
            //Make the window display state true

            //Create a Jpanel panel component
            JPanel jpanel = new JPanel();

            //Get the data from currentTime and import it into the JTextfield named showArea
            CurrentTime currentTime = new CurrentTime();

            String ymd_hms = currentTime.SystemDate();

            //Use JLabel to display the current time, which can be replaced with JTextField
            JLabel showLabel = new JLabel(ymd_hms);
            showLabel.setFont(new Font("宋体",0,20));

            //Place showLabel on the top of the jpanel

            Timer timer = new Timer(200, new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
                    String ymd_hms = currentTime.SystemDate();
    public class CurrentTime {

        public String SystemDate(){
            //Get the current time of the system default time zone
            LocalDateTime now_time =;

            //Format the time accordingly
            DateTimeFormatter ofPattern = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy年MM月dd日  hh时mm分ss秒");

            //Return the corresponding information
            return now_time.format(ofPattern);