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Java/Processing: A* graph node based game

I am trying to build a little ‘simulation’ game. This game has no real purpose, I am just making small little projects while I try and learn the in’s and out’s of some beginner programming. This is my goal: On the processing canvas, there are multiple ‘Nodes’ that represent where a player can move to. The user will input where

Java 8 Remove 1 List from Other

I have two list of different Objects. I want to remove the list of School objects from List of World objects based on schoolName and location. I cannot use equals and hashCode methods on those two fields as it is creating some other problem. Please help me how it can be done using streams. Answer You can use filter:

decimal value of the number formed by concatenating the binary representations of first n natural numbers

Given a number n, find the decimal value of the number formed by concatenating the binary representations of first n natural numbers. Print answer modulo 10^9+7. Also, n can be as big as 10^9 and hence logarithmic time approach is needed. Eg: n=4, Answer = 220 Explanation: Number formed=11011100 (1=1,2=10,3=11,4=100). Decimal value of 11011100=”220″. The code I am using below

How to priorly get future Glide image size which will be stored in cache in Android/Java?

In MainActivity, I’m loading some images using glide into recyclerview according to imageview size. See: XML: As you can observe, I’m using Glide cache DiskCacheStrategy.AUTOMATIC also so that next time without Internet Glide can show the images. Now you can read in this post that ” Glide resizes the image as per the dimension of the ImageView.” Now, I

Spring DataSource password in separate properties file causes “Failed to determine a suitable driver class”

I have the following Spring configuration Which is configured into the following class (annotations are lombok and Spring). This works just fine when all the properties are in one file. The application starts up properly. I am trying to move the password line into it’s own file, and keep the other properties in the main file. I
