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WebTestClient – CORS with Spring Boot and Webflux

I have Vuejs frontend and a Spring Boot Webflux controller. Now the browser is complaining with CORS when doing a call to Spring Boot. Access to XMLHttpRequest at ‘https://…’ from origin ‘https://…’ has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn’t pass access control check: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. To enable CORS I

How to use ArrayList get() method in Android Studio

I made a code using an ArrayList (short[]) in Android Studio but when I use the get() method it always return the last data stored and I don’t know why. I’m using two buttons, one execute adquirir_audio() just to store some values. The second one prints in the console the stored data using a for loop, but it always return

OffsetTime.parse causes an exception with ISO_TIME formatter

I am trying to convert between LocalTime and strings by using the ISO_TIME formatter, but I get an exception. My Code is like: the last line throws an exception: Why is this happening and how could I solve this problem? Thanks in advance for any help, Anas Answer This is happening because, well, it’s right there in the name. An

IntelliJ debug maven package included in EAR

After deploying an EAR to a local Weblogic instance, I’m remote debugging the application without problems. However, I cannot seem to get debug connection to a maven package that I’ve added as a maven dependency to the project (jar). Debug config: Showing working debug connection in source code: Not working debug on included Maven package: How to solve this? Note:

Gradle : Failed to notify build listener

When we build our application using gradle, it is throwing the exception below .Following is the build.gradle code: I am getting the below error : Build file, line: 81 Failed to notify build listener. ‘org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection org.gradle.api.publish.maven.internal.publication.MavenPublicationInternal.getPublishableFiles()’ Can anyone help me please ? Answer For future readers who stumble upon this error. I’ve been piece mealing together a working jfrog publish

streaming from Java OpenCV through RTMP

I have a JavaFX Application that uses OpenCV to get the frames from the camera. I would like to send this stream to nginx-rtmp. I must be missing something (or the whole loginc of RTMP) but I can’t seem to find a simple way to make the stream I already tested the nginx-rtmp with OBS Studio, and I have the

Can’t get local and utc Instant

I need to get local time and utc time in seconds. I read some posts in StackOverflow and found some solution, which is correct as mentioned: But result is not what I expected. It is utc time. The output: After debugging I found that is already utc. I can’t find how to get time in current time zone, i.e.
