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Heroku Java application timing out after 90 seconds

I have been trying to host a discord bot on heroku for some time now. I Have everything set up now but the connection keeps timing out after 90 seconds because it cannot sustain a connection and I am not sure what is wrong. Procfile: web: java $JAVA_OPTS -Dserver.port=$PORT -cp target/classes:target/dependency/* com.marcuzzo.JDABot.Bot Error log: I have been told to change

how to insert data into csv file using apche meta model?

I am working in java project and i am using apache metamodel to insert data into csv file. Code: Whenever i call this method for same csv file it inserts data successfully but deleting old data and then inserting new data so every time only two row insert. I want to insert multiple duplicate row by calling function multiple times

access interface out of the class java

I have a class A, another is B, there is one interface Ai with one method ok() only. Class A implements Ai, inside the ok I’m printing just a line. Class B has an instance of A, I want to access A’s interface Ai inside B. Can it be done ? If so how ? Answer All I needed is

Java records with nullable components

I really like the addition of records in Java 14, at least as a preview feature, as it helps to reduce my need to use lombok for simple, immutable “data holders”. But I’m having an issue with the implementation of nullable components. I’m trying to avoid returning null in my codebase to indicate that a value might not be present.

How can I make SharedPreferences to update the data instead of overwriting the data and losing part of it?

I’m using the following piece of code to save an ArrayList<String> into SharedPreferences: This is somewhat getting the job done since it saves the ArrayList<String> as intended and when the app is re-launched the Semesters that were added are still stored in the ArrayList<String> as I want them to be. But if I add more Semesters after re-launching the app,

Adding @Aspect throws BeanCreationException

I am trying to use AOP in Spring. When I am using old DTD methods in XML, things are working fine. But when I am trying to use AspectJ notations, I am facing some issues. I downloaded the JAR files for aspectj from here. I added them to the build path and the code containing @Aspect annotations compiled successfully. But

What is Coder in String Value?

I am reading a CSV file, by using com.opencsv.CSVReader Like below Value for header is coming like below screen shot: What’s coder here (Highlighted in yellow)? Why the value is 1 for first index and 0 for all other? Answer The official response is “none of your business”, since it’s a private member 😛 Which means it can very well

Why compareTo throws NPE using a comparator who doesn’t do that when user separatedly

I created a comparator that never throws NPE. However, when using it inside compareTo, it throws NPE. Why? When expliciting the comparator on Collections.sort call, sort operation doesn’t use compareTo implementation, as expected. When not doing this, sort operation uses the implementation of compareTo. Since this method calls the exact same comparator, why do I get NPE here? I mean,
