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Tag: csvreader

How to map a CSV to Object with List using CsvMapper?

I’m trying to map a Csv file to an Object what instances List of Objects using CsvMapper, is that even possible? Example: Content of Csv file (without header): Field 1: name Field 2: gender Field 3: hobby (List comma separated) Field 4: relation Example class: Thank you in advance. Answer I found myself a solution: I used common-cdv (apache) as

What is Coder in String Value?

I am reading a CSV file, by using com.opencsv.CSVReader Like below Value for header is coming like below screen shot: What’s coder here (Highlighted in yellow)? Why the value is 1 for first index and 0 for all other? Answer The official response is “none of your business”, since it’s a private member 😛 Which means it can very well
