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Java and regex lexer

I am trying to make some sort of Lexer in Java using regex for a custom markdown “language” I’m making, it’s my first time working with this stuff so a little lost on a few things. An …

Cannot run Launch4j (illegal access)

I would like to create an .exe file for my java desktop application. Hence, i saw that Launch4j was the best option. When I ran. the file, i have the following error message. I am working under Mac OS Catalina, version 10.15.3. and my Java version environment: openjdk version “11.0.7” 2020-04-14 OpenJDK Runtime Environment AdoptOpenJDK (build 11.0.7+10) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server

Getting BadPaddingException due to byte[] too long to decipher

The following code is tested for short strings, in that case it decrypts the string nicely. But if the string is too large I get fired the exception I mention. What could I do so it decrypts the string correctly maintaining the same large string to decrypt? Edit, well technically what’s decrypted is a byte[], changing title and adding code

WAS gets hung WSVR0605W due to jdbc preparedstatement execute WCS

I’m trying to execute three different prepared statements inside a function which basically does an insert in three different tables. File createConnection method – I’m using ojdbc6.jar When I call the regPoints function from a webpage in my local RAD or local environment its working perfectly fine. But the same doesn’t work when it’s running on a test environment.

WebClient – adding defaultHeaders

I’m trying to put multiple headers into defaultHeaders(), But I don’t have idea how to create Consumer object from return of createHeaders() method I can build my header in that way: but how to wrap it into Consumer? Answer Clearly the method doc says that it needs a Consumer of some Type. So you can create an anonymous class implementing
