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How can I get a special part in a string in Java? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question I have to read commands from a file I have and take necessary actions according to each command. I was able to find out the

Spring PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer beans: resolve property value at runtime

I am loading properties with multiple PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer beans and setting placeholder prefix-es: While I can inject a property value by specifying it’s index and key like this: Sometimes I need to determine the value of the prefix (‘foo’) at runtime and dynamically resolve the property value. Is this possible? If not, which alternative solutions are recommended for this use case?

Explanation of card shuffling algorithm (java)

I was trying to better understand in a common Java shuffle deck of cards algorithm, this piece of code: // Random for remaining positions. int r = i + rand.nextInt(52 – i); Why is it necessary to &…

The order of the advices inside the same aspect in Aspectj

How do you determine the order of advices inside the same aspect when you have multiple arounds, befores and afters and all of them “point” to the same pointcut? I have read the aspectj documentation, but i just can’t get it. Answer You claim to have read the AspectJ manual. Why don’t you just link to the corresponding pages you

How do you modify default enum (de)serialization for non-annotated enums but retain standard behavior (@JsonProperty/@JsonValue/…) in Jackson?

Currently jackson (uncustomized) serializes enums like this: If there is @JsonProperty or @JsonValue, they are used to derive serialized name Otherwise, standard serialization is carried out: index or toString() might be used (depending on the mapper settings), or .name() is called by default For deserialization, it’s like this: If there is @JsonProperty, @JsonValue or @JsonCreator, they influence deserialization Otherwise, standard

Remove every space EXCEPT leading spaces

I need to remove every spaces from a String EXCEPT leading spaces. I have some strings that look like this : And I am trying to achieve this : That’s like a reverse trim(). What’s the most efficient way to go about it ? Answer You can use replaceAll with this regex (?<=S)(s+)(?=S) like this : Examples of input &
